Chapter 5

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Its been 2 weeks since louis and harry had sex and louis hasn't heard from him so louis decided to send him a few text message and louis knew harry saw them but didn't answer so louis stopped texting him all together and liam and niall are still together but louis refuses to ask about harry and liam and niall don't talk about him in front of louis

"and good morning" louis says as he starts to laugh "and welcome to our annual non valentines day"

"well its my valentines day" liam says with a wide smile

"well some of us are single" louis says "we are not all lucky might just stay single for ever since men want to be assholes"

"I feel like we have this conversation every year" liam says

"I think we do but its true" louis says "well since you have plans tonight I will be at teazers with our annual non valentines day drink and binge"

'sorry but my honey pie and I have a dinner date" liam says

"well I guess I will be left unsupervised tonight may the odds be all in your favor" louis says as he starts to laugh

"well good thing its Friday" liam says

"well lets take caller question and see what kind of trouble we can get into" louis says laughing

"hello caller what is your name and what is your comment question or concern" liam says

"I wanted to know if louis would go on a date with me" the caller says

"well that is bold of you" liam says " I have a few questions before I will say yes"

"wait what if I don't want to go on this date" louis says

"shhh I am trying to get you a date" liam says "sorry about him"

"umm its ok" the caller says nervously

"soo first what is your name" liam says


"ok Edward how old are you" liam says

"im 29"

"hmm a bit older than louis but that is ok" liam says

"so what what do you do for work"

"I am an accountant" Edward says

"like a real accountant or like an accountant accountant" louis questions

"a real accountant not the other fake accountant" Edward says as he starts to laugh

"ok so tell us about a good first date" liam says

"umm I like low key I think and I know its so cliché but dinner and a movie" Edward says

"not to bad" louis says

"so when was your last relationship" liam asks

"almost 3 years ago my boyfriend passed away from a car accident" Edward says

"im sorry to hear" louis says

"so Edward what about louis gave you the courage to call and ask for a date a bold move might I add" liam says

"I know its just his personality and I have been to a few of your presentations and I think he is bloody gorgeous and I want to get to know him if nothing else we can be friends" Edward says

"ok well stay on the line I am going to set up this blind date and to make sure no one chaperones and I mean the listeners this will be private" liam says as he starts to laugh

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