Chapter 35

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Its been 3 months since louis and harry have started seeing the therapist and a month after harry started sending in song request to louis and roman the afternoon radio host. And its been hard for louis and harry and have had some set backs but they have managed to work on a lot of things as for Anthony he has made a full recovery

"harry" the person says on the phone

"jeff" harry says

"yeah hey meet with me tomorrow at 10" jeff says

"really" harry says

"yeah I want talk to you about a lot of things and I want to make sure you understand everything I am going to tell you" jeff says

"ok I understand and I want to talk to you about making a plan and apologize to my fans" harry says

"ok see what happens when you don't listen to people that love you its almost a year and you still are cleaning up the mess you made" jeff says

"I know I am sorry" harry says

"ok I will let you go I will see you tomorrow" jeff says

"yeah thanks" harry says as he hangs up the phone and goes to work out as his phone starts to ring "hello"

"harry what are you doing" louis says

"just working out want to join me" harry says laughing

"of course not" louis says "umm want to meet liam and I for lunch niall is coming too"

"yeah what time" harry says

"1 where tammy works" louis says

"ok let me finish my work out that someone rudely interrupted" harry says laughing as louis laughs

"ok I have to go need to finish some things with liam" louis says as he hangs up on harry

"so are you going to try and work it out with him" liam asks

"yeah I love him and after what he has told me it makes sense but I don't want to jump into anything we been seeing his therapist for 3 months and it has helped but I am scared so scared" louis says

"take your time what about ben"

"I think the next 3 months I want to work on us and talk to the therapist about introducing harry to ben" louis says

"ok I think harry needs ben" liam says

"I know but I want to see how things go" louis says

"well lets finish so we can have lunch with our baby daddies" liam says laughing

"I know" louis says as they finish what they were doing and soon leave as they get to the diner and see tammy and hug her "how is Anthony"

"really good he had an appointment a few days ago and is still in remission" tammy says proudly

"I am so happy to hear" louis says

"can we go by later and see him wyatt misses him" liam says as the months since knowing about Anthony the 3 have become really close

"I get off work at 4 can we plan a play date with the kids at the park" tammy says

"yeah I have nothing planned the rest of the day" louis says

"neither do I" liam says

"I will bring snacks this time" tammy says as harry walks in with niall  and harry hugs tammy "hey my favorite pain in the ass"

"shut it" harry says laughing "just for that I am not tipping you"

"its ok louis is here and he will make sure to take good care of me right louis" tammy teases

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