Chapter 30

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Louis wakes up as he starts to clean his house and decides he is going to the grocery store to get things he needs and calls liam

"hey" louis says as liam answers

"morning I over slept" liam says laughing as he stretches

"I know hey I am going to get some things from the store you need anything" louis says

"let me go with you I have a list I need" liam says

"come over in an hour" louis says as he hangs up the phone and goes to the kitchen and makes himself something to eat and when he is done louis goes thru his list and soon liam gets to his house and they leave to the store when they get there they walk around and get what they need "im going to get milk you need any"

"yeah please" liam says as louis walks to the dairy aisle he feels someone tap his shoulder and louis turns around

"Jacob how are you" louis says

"good and you"

"really good just getting somethings I need" louis says "I heard you got married"

"yeah 2 months ago" Jacob says

"congratulations" louis says as they hug and louis looks to the side and sees harry

"well I couldn't wait for you" Jacob says

"stop it was not our time but I am happy you found someone" louis says

"how is the law practice" louis asks

"really good been really busy I have to get going was really nice seeing you" Jacob says

"you as well and congratulations on the wedding" louis says as they hug one last time and Jacob leaves as louis goes to find liam "hey"

"what took you so long did you milk the cow yourself" liam teases

"no ran into Jacob" louis says

"how is he" liam says

"good jeff told me he got married ohh and harry is here" louis says as he starts to laugh

"ohh I am sure he is not happy" liam says

"nope he glared at me with his famous death glare" louis says laughing "I am done what else do you need"

"I am done too lets go check out" liam says as they walk to the cash register and start to check out and as louis and liam are leaving they see harry with nick grimshaw

"I don't get him he is going on these jealous rages and he is here with him" louis says as they get to louis car

"I don't know what to tell you but he is so stupid to even think of trusting him" liam says as liam sees harry and nick and nick places a kiss on harrys cheek

"what are you looking at" nick ask harry

"nothing just thinking" harry says

"lets go out tonight" nick says

"sure I need to forget things" harry says

"talk to me I know something is bothering you" nick asks

"don't worry about me" harry says as they get to nicks car and get in as they drive to harrys house

"have you talked to kendal or taylor" nick asks

"yeah I still talk to them" harry says

"but why" nick says "you are mine"

"no I am not and I can talk to whoever I want what is your issue" harry says as he starts to raise his voice

"its just I don't understand why you were able to commit to louis but you wont commit to anyone else I mean you came out as boyfriends and you wont even commit to me and you still talk to other people" nick says

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