Chapter 32

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Jay gets up and starts to get ready as she packs an over night bag

"honey i am leaving i will be home tomorrow lots and fiz are going to help with the kids" jay says

"dont worry about anything i have the day off and we will order pizza just hope harry comes back to all of us" dan says

" i know thank you for being amazing" jay says

"drive safely and call me when you get to annes" dan says

"i will" jay says as she kisse s dan one last ime as she walks out of the house and gets in her car and drives to london and a few hours later jay gets to annes house and knocks at the door

"jay come in" anne says

"where is ben" jay asks

"louis called liams mom wanted to take the kids to the park so she is watching them both i got nervous on how i was going to tell louis i wasnt going to watch ben" anne says

"well you ready to go" jay asks

"umm i thought we would have lunch in the garden i made us lunch so we can talk more comfortable" anne says nervously

"that would be much better dont want to risk anyone knowing anything" jay says

'come on let lets sit down" anne says as they walk thru the house and jay and Anne  serve themselves their plates as they walk to the garden and sit down

"please tell me i couldnt sleep last night" anne says

"umm harry came to our house  on saturday" jay says as she tells anne about tammy and her son and everything that happened that weekend as Anne starts to cry

"ohh my how is anthony can i go meet them" anne says

"he is much better dan called a collegue of his and he is going to personally take care of anthony" jay says "something hit harry hard like i mean got hit with a train he told me that all he could think of is what if it was ben and something happened to him he cried so much of relief and regret"

"i cant imagine" anne says as jay continues to tell anne about harry seeing a therapist and how he will reach out when he is ready and harry changing his phone number and selling his house

"he told me he wants a fresh start to everything and he has cut off everyone he misses us all and is doing all of this for himself and ben and louis" jay says

"thank you jay does he um does harry know you are telling me" anne questions

"yeah he asked me about everyone and i told him i asked him if i could tell you and robin he said yes i told him how worried you are about him and he knows i am telling you and i wanted to do this in person i think its an important conversation to have in person and not on the phone he is working on himself and will reach out to everyone when he is ready i have his new phone number but anne please dont ask me to give it to you not until harry tells me to look right now he is trusting me and dan and i dont want to abuse that he is talking to me and dan and i think as long as we have that communication at least i can have some access to him" jay says

"i dont care as long as my baby comes home thank you jay and let him know when he is ready we will welcome him home with opens arms" anne says

"i will i promise" jay says

"umm do you know why he walked away from everyone" anne asks

"he didnt tell me he said that the first person he wants to tell is louis but he is not ready mentally or emotionally in a place to do so but he is working on himself and that is a start" jay says

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