Chapter 42

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the following days were busy for everyone as they got ready to go on tour and soon they were a day before the tour started

"so everyone we are officially on our last day of being in the studio and we are on tour starting monday" louis says

"we will be posting pictures and going live while on tour the time will be the same for you all but the difference will be our time" liam says

"so are you excited we are traveling with 4 kids and didnt find a nanny so wish us luck" louis says as he sees the door open to the studio and sees gemma, darla stacy and jane walk in "what are you all doing here"

"we came to surprise you" gemma says laughing

"we have gemma darla stacy and jane in the studio" liam says

"sit" louis says as the 4 girls sit down

"what are you doing here" liam asks

"well we heard that you were looking for a nanny and we came to interview for the position" stacy says laughing

"what" liam and louis say at the same time

"yeah we are the official tour nannies" darla says laughing

"what how" louis says as niall and harry casually walk in "i hate you"

"no you dont" harry says laughing as he sits down next to louis and niall next to liam

"we knew you both couldnt pick a nanny because you couldnt trust anyone so harry and i called the girls and they all agreed since they said they rather watch the kids than have a stranger watch them" niall says

"thank you so much i feel much better" louis says

"we know we all talked about it and we love the idea and we get to spend more time with them" darla says

"what about your jobs" liam questions

"we quit them this is more important that jobs and how can we trust our nieces and nephews to any stranger" jane says

"i feel so much better well lets keep going with the show you all want to take over and liam and i can rest" louis says laughing

"sure" gemma says

"so we sisters want to announce that we have decided to start a nanny podcast its mostly going to be about our daily adventures on tour we are going to take pictures and post them on our social media that we created and niall and harry have already agreed we can tag them and want you and liam to think about it and we can tag you also" gemma says

"I would love that" louis says

"me too" liam says

"ok cuz we were going to do it anyways" darla says laughing

"look as long as its people we trust I am ok with posting pictures" louis says

"me too and I trust you all with the kids" liam says

"we are glad well lets get this show going before you both get fired" gemma says laughing

"what did you have planned for today" jane asks

"nothing we were going to let the listeners pick" louis says

"well then niall pick a number" jane says

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