Chapter 21

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" ok anne thank you for calling it means so much to me" louis says as he hangs up the phone as the nurse walks in and soon goes over the paper work for louis and louis and darla leave the hospital and go to the hotel room as louis lays down on his bed "umm you can go back home i will be ok i promise"

"none sense if i go home anne will kill me and I don't even want a phone call your mom" darla says

"lay down with me i need to cuddle" louis says as darla lays down with louis as they fall asleep a few hours later louis wakes up when his phone starts to ring "hello" louis says with a raspy voice

"son were you asleep"

"yeah mom i was discharged from the hospital a few hours ago and darla and i are taking a nap" louis says

"okk so you are at the hotel when are you coming home" jay asks

"umm doctor wants me to stay a few days then if everything is good i can go home" louis says

"ok sorry to wake you up but was worried about you" jay says

"i am fine darla is here with me to chaporone make sure i am safe she is scared of you and anne" louis says laughing

"good well i have to go pick up the kids from school let me know when you go home i want to go visit" jay says

"i will thank you mom" louis says as he hangs up as darla starts to wake up "sorry mom called me"

"its ok you want to order some food" darla says

"yeah" louis says as darla calls room service as she hangs up she hears a knock at the door and she opens it

"hey come in niall louis is in the room resting" darla says as niall walks in and goes to louis room

"hey niall" louis says as niall hugs louis

"hey i have to catch my flight i just wanted to say good bye and please take care of yourself" niall says "ohh and liam is waiting for you when you get home he is going to ask you I mean he wants you to stay at the house until you can go back to work"

"geezz you would think i was pregnant with a royal baby" louis says laughing "but i think i would love that"

"well dont say anything he wants to ask you just please put up a small fight" niall says laughing

"i will thank you" louis says "thank you for everything"

"no need to you know i love you louis" niall says as they hug one last time "i will see you when i get a break"

"ok thank you again" louis says as jeff walks in the room

"i better go before i miss my flight" niall says as he walks out of the room as jeff sits next to louis

"is he gone" louis asks

"harry yes he left last night" jeff says "i have to go back to london your room is paid for as long as you need to stay and when you are ready to go home marcus is sending you his private plane"

"ok thank you" louis says

"no need just bring the baby safe into the world that is all we all want" jeff says

"i will i promise" louis says as they hug and jeff leaves the room as darla walks in

"food will get here in 20 minutes i am going to shower" darla says

"i want to shower too" louis says

"no how about you rest today and tomorrow you can shower you just left the hospital and dont fight me or i will call the girls" darla challenges

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