Chapter 4

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"ok bye" louis says as he gets off liams car and walks into his house and goes to his room and lays down as he goes thru his social media and soon sees a notification and opens the DM's as is confused as its a message from harry

HARRY: can i get your phone number

and louis ignores the message and he falls asleep and is woken up a few hours later when his alarm goes off and louis gets up and goes to the kitchen and makes himself a snack as he sits down and starts to watch television and and soon looks at the clock and goes to his room and starts to get ready and soon hears a knock at the door and louis opens it

"you look handsom" louis says to liam

"you do clean up really good" liam says "come on lets go get you laid i mean lets get going" liam says laughing

"the least its been to long" louis says as they walk out of the louis house and head to the venue and soon walk in and go to the back stage and go see steve and are told what was going to happen that night and soon louis and liam walk on stage

"good evening everyone and welcome to this special event we are hosting tonight" liam says with a wide smile

"thank you all for being here and we promise to keep the shenanigans to a minimun" louis says laughing as he continues to go thru what he was told to say

"so welcome and enjoy your night" liam says as they get off the stage and louis and liam walk around and soon start to dance and louis feels a tap on his shoulder and turns around

"umm can i have this dance" harry says

"umm sure" louis says as the song slows down and louis puts his hand on harrys as harry wraps his arm around louis waist

"thought you had a date" harry questions

"well since you wont explain things to me i figured i wouldnt either" louis says

"stop can we please start over" harry says

"ok but you ever act so entitled i swear you will regret the moment you met me" louis says

"im sorry its just i been doing it so long that  i think its ok" harry says

"but why" louis asks

"umm i dont want to talk about it here" harry says

"ok when ever your ready" louis says

"what are the chances" harry says and louis eyes get wide

"what are the chances of what" louis says

"that we would get a chance  that we would meet" harry says

"huh" louis says as harry realizes what he said "so its been you" louis says in shock

"me umm mee what" harry says nervously

"nothing" louis says not wanting to say anything more until he is sure "you know you are a shit liar"

"i know" harry says

"well i am sorry i have to go make another annoucement" louis says as he walks away and goes to find liam as they walk backstage

"let get this announcement out of the way" liam says

"umm ok" louis says as they get onstage and make their announcement  and soon walk off stage and go to their table and sit down as he feels someone tap him on his shoulder and louis turns around

"umm can i have this dance" the person says

"sure" louis says as he walks to the dance floor "what is your name"

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