Chapter 18

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"HARRRY" anne yells out and still no answer and anne and robin go to harrys room and knock at the door

"HARRY" anne yells out as they open the door

"what do you want" harry says with anger as he sits up "I am so fucken livid with you both right now"

"why:" anne questions

"and you still have the fucken audacity to ask such a fucken stupid question" harry yells out with anger

"both of you calm down we are not going to get anywhere if you both yell and scream lets calm down and come back and talk"robin says calmly

"no fuck that your selfish and is only thinking about yourself" anne yells out "now answer me why the fuck are you mad at me and dad"

"you are my parents you should be here for me not louis but yet you are with him at his appointment instead of being here with me i needed you here to show your support for me" harry yells out with anger

"listen to me i will support you and have your back no matter what happens in life but this that you are doing walking away from louis and possibly a child your child that is so wrong harry an innocent child that had no say so to be brought into this world but might be coming because two adults were fucken careless and not using protection that was you and louis not just louis but you as well and you want to fucken blame everything on him you are wrong harry so fucken wrong" anne yells out with anger "and i am going to tell you this once and once only if louis is pregnant dont think i wont want to be part of the babys life because unlike you i will be there so be fucken selfish and run away from your resposibilities and think about your self you fucken selfish asshole"

"if that is so then i want nothing to do with you and dad since i guess i am good at walking away from people i will walk away from you and dad so you wont have to worry about" harry says

"i hope you never regret this harry" anne says crying "no matter what happens harry just know that i love you unconditionally"

"son" robin says as harry gets up and walks into his bathroom and slams the door shut

"lets go home i dont want to be here" anne says crying as she goes to the bathroom door "harry if you ever want to talk to dad and i you know where we are at i love you son" and anne walks away as she goes to the their room and starts packing their bags and soon anne and robin walk out of harrys house not noticing harry at the window watching them drive away and harry takes out his phone

"H babe" the person says

"what are you doing" harry says

"not much just arrived home" the person says

"ohh where"

"london" the caller says "and you"

"london come over to my house" harry says

"what about louis thought you were together"

"no we broke up its over" harry says

"are you sure cuz i am not going to be anyones side bitch"

"i promise its over" harry says "look taylor its over and done with"

"ok give me a few hours so i can shower and will be over" taylor says

"ok" harry says as he hangs up the phone and sees louis trying to call him as harry send him to voicemail and harry gets in the shower and soon walk out as he goes to his closet and hears his phone ringing and sees its louis and harry sends him to voicemail and harry goes back to the closet and walks out he sees he got a text message from louis

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