Chapter 19

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"no its ok i will stop by after to spend some time with wyatt" louis says as he walks to his office and gets some work done and soon goes to his house and takes a nap and gets up as he goes to get something to eat as he puts his hand on his belly "i am sorry peanut so sorry about this i never should of done anything with out protection and now you are coming and your daddy will never know about you but i want you to know about your daddy i know he loves us very much but i will never forgive him im so sorry peanut" louis says crying an d louis finishes eating and soon walks out of his house and heads to jeffs office

"can i help you sir" the receptionist says

"yes my name is louis tomlinson and have an appointment with jeff smith"

"one moment" the receptionist says as she picks up the phone and calls jeff and soon hangs up "here is your visitor pass  take the elevator to the 35th floor and mr smith said he will wait for you"

"thank you" louis says as he goes where he is told and when the elevator gets to the floor he needed jeff was waiting for louis as soon as the doors open

"how are you" jeff says as they hug

"really good just trying to move on with life" louis says

"look just focus on you dont worry about anything and people have moved on from your story so that is ok" jeff says as he walks with louis and goes to his office and louis sits down "well you wanted to meet so how can i help you"

"immm" louis says nervously

"look i am here to help you not to judge you" jeff says

"i know look the real reason harry and i broke up was because" louis says ashe starts to cry as he tells jeff about what happened the day they broke up

"he fucken did what why didnt you tell me the truth" jeff says

"i dont know look i dont care i cant think about him he wants nothing to do with us so it is what it is" louis says "i just dont want my pregnancy to be a secret i know my listeners are going to want to go out and party and i mean for now i can hide it and pretend to drink but i kept thinking what about when i start to show, look can you talk to harry and be in agreement that we broke up a month after he left for tour that way i can just say that i was heart broken and had a one night stand and i am pregnant i dont want anyone to know my baby is harrys" louis says crying

"ok i am flying out tonight i have some contracts to talk to harry about and will tell him i mean once people know  your pregnant they are going to assume harry is the father but as long as you and him stick to the same story then we should be fine but i can believe he would say that to you" jeff says

"i dont care i have my baby and that is all i care about right now umm also i am going to start looking for a new house and change my phone number but i never want him to have it" louis says

"ok but what about when he interviews" jeff saus

"umm i dont know maybe by the time he drops his next album i will be in a better place and be able to interview him or he can do the afternoon show" louis says

"ok well dont worry whatever you need call me and when you want to announce to your listeners let me know so we can make a plan and i can let harry know so he can be ready with the answer" jeff says "do you know when you want to announce your pregnancy"

"umm i was thinking after my 5th month right now everyone has calmed down and i dont want to stir shit up again i just want to wait a few months these last few days have been crazy"

"ok just let me know so we can have a plan in place and make sure things are done your way" jeff says

"ok thank you jeff for everything" louis says

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