Chapter 24

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"ok well first" bret says as he starts to kiss harry as harry walks them to the living room as bret lays down on the couch as they continue to kiss and soon harry hears the doorbell ring as he gets up again and answers the door

"what do you want" harry growls out in anger

"harry babe lets talk about this calmly" kriss jenner says

"there is nothing to talk about i was just talking to someone that is going to help me" harry says in a monotone voice

"look call me in a few days lets take that time to calm down i really want to help you and make sure you get the representation that you need" kris says

"ok give me a few days" harry says as kris leaves and harry goes to the living room

"who was that" bret questions

"dont worry about it" harry says as he starts to kiss bret and soon it gets heated as harrys phone starts to ring as harry groans in fustration as he answers his phone "what is it paul"

"harry are you sure about letting me go i just want to make sure and if it is what you want then i am booking my flight back home" paul says

"yes" harry says

"as you wish" paul says as he hangs up the phone and calls jeff "Hey jeff"

"paul you ok" jeff says

"yeah harry fired me" paul says as he tells jeff about the argument

"well come home" jeff says

"i am booking my flight right now" paul says

"ok well come home i need you to follow louis and make sure he is ok just for a few weeks" jeff says

"ok i will try and get the next flight out" paul says

"when you book your flight send me you information i will meet you at the airport to make and plan and we can meet with louis:" jeff says

"ok let me look for flights" paul says

"ok see you" jeff says as he hangs up on paul

"what is going on" anne asks

"harry is out of control he fired paul" jeff says

"well nothing we can do until he hits rock bottom" anne says

"i know but he has worked so hard to have what he has" jeff says

"i know but he is so lost" anne says

"not much we can do anne i have to get going i have a meeting in an hour" jeff says

"ok i have to go jay is here we are going to help louis pack" anne says

"ok will be there tomorrow to help move" jeff says as anne hangs up on jeff and gets her things as she walks to the driveway where jay was waiting for her

"thank you for picking me up" anne says as dans puts her things in the back of the van as she gets in

"dont worry about it the more help we have the faster we get done" jay says "do you want to sit in the front"

"no its ok i am ok back here" anne says as dan starts to drive to the hotel where louis was still staying at and an hour later they get there as they get to louis room and knock on the door as louis opens the door

"hey" louis says as he hugs everyone

"were you  napping" anne questions

"yeah this this pregnancy shit is no joke" louis says

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