Chapter 34

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Its been 3 months since harry reconnected with his family and has been so happy  2 weeks later harry met with liam and niall and 3 weeks later he met with jeff and have all agreed to work on their friendship and jeff promised to sign harry with his management company but jeff wanted harry to be in a place where jeff felt more comfortable with him and harry agreed

"harry how has therapy been" tammy asks

"really good I meet with him tomorrow and I think I am ready to talk to louis" harry says nervously

"really I am so happy for you" tammy says with a smile

"how is Anthony doing sorry wasn't able to make his appointment yesterday" harry says

"really good doctor said he should have his last round of chemo in 2 weeks and hopefully that will work but everything has been good news and the treatment has been working" tammy says with a wide smile "dr lee has been so amazing"

"I am so happy for you both" harry says as they continue to talk as harrys phone starts to ring "sorry its my mom"

"its ok" tammy says


"son I have to cancel lunch tomorrow I forgot about an appointment I had can we meet for dinner" anne says

"mom I don't want you to drive that late at night how about lunch the day after" harry says

"ok that will work im sorry" anne says

"its ok don't worry mom I have to go I am talking to tammy" harry says

"how is anthony" anne asks as harry tells her what tammy had just told him "I am so happy well son I will let you go them say hello to tammy and Anthony"

"I will" harry says "love you mom"

"love you too" anne says as she hangs up the phone "tell liams mom I can watch both kids tomorrow"

"thank you anne im sorry you had to cancel on harry" louis says

"don't worry about it I love having both kids here" anne says

"I know you do" louis says

"louis" anne says nervously


"ummm I don't want to keep lying to harry I been wanting to talk to you about something" anne says nervously

"what is it" louis says

"umm I want to tell harry robin and I live here in London and I watch ben but I want to talk to you about it first I mean I am going to tell him that as long as ben is here he is not to come to the house" anne says hopeful

"I am ok with that for now I know you been wanting to tell him about the move and I have been thinking about it a lot and I don't want you to hide from harry but at no time is he allowed here when ben is here at least for now that is all I am comfortable with" louis says

"I will make sure to tell him that thank you louis" anne says

"don't worry about it I have to get going I will see you in the morning" louis says as he gets ben and walks out of annes house and goes to his house as he goes to the family room and lays ben down on the couch and louis sits next to him as he spends the rest of the day just enjoying ben and soon he goes to sleep and the next morning louis gets up and gets bens things ready as he goes to put him in his car and sees liam walking out of his house

"want me to drop off wyatt" louis asks

"yeah please I will get us breakfast" liam says as he puts wyatt in louis car as liam leaves and goes to a nearby coffee shop and places his order and when he gets his order louis leaves and soon gets to the radio station and walks into his office and a few minutes later louis walks in "I left your coffee and breakfast sandwich in your office"

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