Chapter 23

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"hello jeffrey" louis says laughing

"I'm not mad i need you to post a statement that you are in the hospital but are doing fine i will be at your hotel room tomorrow so we can go over a plan for the truth" jeff says

"ok thank you" louis say

"well you made the news" jeff says laughing "stay off social media and tomorrow we can make a plan but i need you to relax for the baby"

"i will thank you" louis says "well that was fun"

"uugh i cant with you" anne says

"mom turn on the television" louis says as jay turns on the televions and sees the story

"and in breaking news louis Tomlinson was in a twitter feud with harry styles telling harry to tell the truth" the reporter says

"wonder what louis is talking about" the second reporter says

"well that twitter war was brutal and to be honest I would not want to go against louis" the first report says

"well what ever they were talking about we will find out in 24 hrs" the second reporter says

"it was probably about louis pregnancy" the first report says as jay turns off the television

"I hate that all this is public why couldn't he just fucken kept his trap shut" louis says trying to calm down and not be angry

"I don't know but look calm down before you have to stay in here your whole pregnancy and we have 4 more months to go" anne says

"don't forget your statement" jay says as louis takes out his phone

Louis (twitter); hello everyone the story is true I am currently in the hospital as I had a pregnancy scare baby and I are doing really good baby is calm as of right now that is all I want to address as all I can think about is keeping my baby safe and when I am in a better place I will let you all know everything so at this time please give me some time to get a handle on all this bullshit that is going on with @harrystyles, all my listeners know that I am so transparent with you all and keeping my pregnancy a secret is not at all what I wanted but when I tell you all why I hope you all understand all the love louis

"and post" louis says as he post his statement and soon likes and comments start to pop up "look my followers are all supportive and understanding"

"they all love you I am happy" jay says

"I know" louis says  as gemma darla stacy and jane walk back into the room

"what took you so long" anne questions

"people saw gemma at the restaurant and we had to run to the bathroom and call jeff to send us security" jane says

"im sorry" jay says

"its ok it was fun the manager made us wait and remade our food specially after louis went on a twitter war with harry" darla says laughing "that was awesome"

"thanks" louis says laughing as they hand him his ice cream as they all sit down and start to eat as louis finishes his ice cream he yawns and soon falls asleep the next day louis wakes up as he hears the doctor walk in the room

"morning" the doctor says

"morning" louis says as he stretches

"well lets take a look and see how baby is doing" the doctor says as he starts to examine louis "everything looks good I will have a nurse come in and go over some things with you"

"ok can I change" louis says

"yes of course" the doctor says as he walks out of the room and louis goes to the bathroom and changes his clothes and soon the nurse walks in the room and goes over some care instructions with louis as anne and jay listen and louis signs where is suppose to and leave the hospital as they go to jay's car and drive to louis hotel and go to his room

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