Chapter 44

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its been 2 years since harry finished his tour and liam and niall got engaged and got married a month ago at their property and harry has been writting for his next album

"and good morning everyone how has everyones morning been" louis says with excitement "mr horan how are you this morning"

"really good soo excited for this mornings show" liam says

"I know right" louis says with a wide smile

"so lets open the lines and see what is going on with our beautiful listeners" liam says

"good morning caller what is your name and what is your complaint this morning" louis says laughing

"hi i just wanted to say that i love your show and look forward to it every morning but louis we havent had a night out in such a long time" the caller says

"your right but you all i have a treat for you" louis says laughing

"what" the caller says

"well liam and i were talking about it a few weeks ago and we came up with an idea so in 2 weeks we are going to be at teazers because we need a mom's night out so everyone make plans get baby sitters and join us for moms night out because liam and i need it" louis says

"we sure do" liam says

"thank goodness because i do too" the caller says

"well we will announce all the official stuff on monday" louis says

"ok lets keep going" liam says "caller pick a number"

"how about 4 since i have 4 kids" the caller says

"my you do need a night out" louis says

"yes i do" the caller says as louis hangs up on her

"ok caller what is your name and concern" liam says

"well i am upset" the caller says

"why" louis questions

"because i wont have a babysitter in 2 weeks" the caller says

"why not" liam questions

"my parents are going on a trip in 2 weeks and will be gone for one week" the caller says

"bummer i am sorry" louis says "wait i have an idea"

"you surely are not going to suggest she bring her kid to the bar:" liam questions

"of course not huh might not be a bad idea" louis says laughing "but i am making a plea if there are any babysitters out there that are willing to donate their time to watch kids we can put you up in the hotel across the street and i will pay for it"

"please" the caller begs

"i will help" liam says

"please let me know i will help too i mean i dont have alot of money but i can pitch in something like a hundred dollars" the caller says

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