Chapter 10

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"we can talk about other things you can ask me anything you want" harry says trying to keep her calm

"im ready" veronica says "umm when I turned 18 I came out to my parents after I heard your story and how you came out to your parents and I guess I thought all parents reacted the same with love and understanding but they didn't they called me horrible names and kicked me out of the house I was alone and didn't have anywhere to go" she says cryings as louis hugs her

"its ok we are here for you" louis says as he wipes her tears and his

"i was on the streets for a month I was ashamed to tell anyone but one day I was crying and my best friends mom called me she was worried I hadn't called I told her what happened and she told me I can stay at her house until I got my life together at the time you had released the song lights on and the line that stuck with me was do you know who you are I kept repeating that over and over and over everyday until one day I was repeating it and my friends mom came and hugged me and told me you are beautiful you are amazing you can do anything you want you will do amazing things and conquer your dreams" veronica says crying "that day I went and enrolled in college and wanted to be a nurse but harry it was because of that song that I am here today and I always told myself that if I ever met you I wanted to tell you my story on how you saved me"

"ohh my gosh thank you" harry says crying as he stands up and hugs veronica and louis goes in for a hug and then jeff "thank you so much this means so much to me"

"no thank you" veronica says "without those lyrics I think I would still be lost"

"so do you know who you are" harry says with a smile as veronica smiles back at him

"I am beautiful I am amazing I can do anything I want I will do amazing things and conquer my dreams" veronica says with a wide smiles as the tears continue to fall

"where is your friends mother" harry asks "and what is her name"

"umm her name was sara but sadly she passed away last year from cancer she always wanted to be a pediatric nurse but she got married young had my friend at 17 so I promised her that I would be a nurse in her honor and she pushed me so much to study she would study with me and help me and when she passed she left money for me to finish my school a lot of times I wanted to quit but I play lights on and that is all the motivation I need you know she started to sing that song when I would want to quit and I kept going so this that I am working hard for is for her she helped me and saved me" veronica says

"wow and your friend"

"she is an attorney we are really close we say we are sisters I love her so much you know sometimes we would study together so we say we are both attorneys and nurses" veronica says proudly

"what about your family" louis asks

"they still want nothing to do with me but I send them letters I don't know if they read them or throw them out but I miss them so much" veronica says crying "I miss my mom sara too I miss her so much just a hug and I felt so safe"

"aww sweetheart you are amazing and i am so happy you called today" louis says with a wide smile

"thank you i wasnt going to call but i am happy i took a chance" veronica says

"thank you for telling me your story and if you ever need anyone to talk to call me or text me" harry says "give me your phone now i am trusting you that you wont give my phone number away"

"i wont i promise" veronica says as she gives her phone to harry as he dialls the his phone number and shows veronica "thank you so much"

'dont worry keep being amazing and you are going to do amazing things" harry says as he hugs her one last time

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