Chapter 40

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Its been 6 months since louis found out he was pregnant and to say he was happy was an understatement harry has been present for every appointment and louis cant be anymore happy harry and niall found a big piece of land where they agreed to build their forever homes and building started 3 months ago and liam and louis cant wait

"princess" harry yells out as he walks into the house

"living room" louis yells out as harry walks to the living room and starts to laugh as he sees louis and ben on the floor eating a cake with just forks

"what is going on" harry says as he goes to the kitchen and gets a fork

"your kid wanted cake so we went and got a cake" louis says as harry sits down

"daddy" ben says as he jumps on harry and sits on his lap

"are you and mommy eating this sheet of cake on your own without me" harry says dramatically

"sorry" ben says as he starts to laugh

"I am not even going to question it anymore" harry says

"don't cuz ben said mommy I want cake and well here we are" louis says laughing

"we meet with the builder at 3" harry says

"I know let me clean up and change" louis says "come on ben"

"I will change ben you go change" harry says as louis cleans up the mess from the floor and goes to his room and changes his clothes and walks back down stairs "you look gorgeous pregnant"

"you tell me all the time and your sex drive is crazy didn't know you had a pregnancy kink" louis says laughing

"I didn't either but you look gorgeous" harry says as he hugs louis

"lets get going before we are late is liam and niall going to meet us" louis asks

"yeah we need to talk about me going on tour" harry says

"liam and I talked to steve and we are going on the road with our show it was steves idea actually" louis says

"we are going to be traveling with a  4 month old are you ok with that I know you don't want nannies but I know ben wont stay still inside the hotel all day" harry questions as they leave the house and get in louis car as harry starts to drive to the new house

"I know I was going to talk to you about that I want to hire a nanny at least for the nights because I know you are going to want us to be at your shows and liam and I have to get up to do our radio show and I don't know if I can do nights with the baby and your shows and the radio show" louis says nervously

"ok so we need to interview a nanny" harry says

"yeah" louis says

"ok I will let jeff know so he can get us a list" harry says

"ok thank you" louis says

"no need I have to take care of all of you and if this is what you want then we need to make sure we are comfortable with our decision" harry says

"im still not comfortable but I think it's the best decision" louis says

"ok so we interview and I want you to decide on which nanny to bring" harry says

"ok but she or he has to be ugly fat and old" louis says

"I agree but whatever you want" harry says laughing

"I know but its going to be hard to leave this baby with some stranger ask jeff if he knows a good agency so we can interview" louis says

"I will I want who ever watches our kids to be trustworthy" harry says trying to reassure them both

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