Chapter 13

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"I think I better get going I will see you tomorrow morning" harry says "just wanted to make sure you were ok"

"umm thank you I appreciate it" louis says

"if you need anything call me" harry says

"umm I will see you tomorrow thank you for today it means a lot to me" louis says as they walk to the door

"anytime even if we are not together I never want anything bad to happen to you" harry says

"thank you I appreciate it" louis says as they get to the door "umm can I get a hug please"

"anytime" harry says as he hugs louis and places a kiss on louis head "I will see you tomorrow"

"ok night harry thank you once again for today" louis says as harry walks out the door and louis goes to his room and lays down as he smiles with the thought of harry and soon falls asleep the next morning louis gets up and starts to get ready for his day and soon leaves to the radio station and goes to his office as he sees an email from harry requesting a song and louis smiles and soon gets up and goes to the studio and starts to get things ready

"hey louis have you heard from liam" steve asks

"no nothing let me text him see if he answers me" louis says as he text liam

"well are you going to announce liam going into labor"

"yeah liam and I talked about it but he wants to announce when the baby is born" louis says

"if you need a sidekick let me know" steve says

"no its ok I can do it but I promise if it becomes too much I will let you know" louis says

"fine now get ready you are down to 3 minutes and jack's eye starts to twitch when you are late" steve says laughing as louis finishes getting ready for the show

"harry will be here in about 30 minutes maybe we can ask if he can stay the whole show" steve says

"no its ok I can manage he might have a busy day plus he has rehearsals I don't want have him feel obligated to stay" louis says

"just a thought" steve says

"and 5.....4.....3...." jack starts to countdown as louis puts his earphones on

"and good morning my beautiful and handsome listeners to day I am alone unsupervised as if you have been keeping track liam went into labor yesterday afternoon as of right now I have no other updates but he will post when the baby comes so stay tune and when he announces the baby we will update our social media I know you all have been waiting for this day since little butthead didn't want to show the gender so listeners lets have a pool going on if liams baby is a boy or a girl" louis says as he starts to laugh "lets take callers and see what you all have to say about it" and louis starts to take call after call and writes down the guesses on a notepad and soon is being motioned that harry was there "well we will see when liam announces the baby and as we mentioned yesterday we have today in the studio the one and only straight from his tour to do a performance tomorrow at the brit awards and is also up for 2 awards best pop album and best fan army" louis says as he smiles wide " here is the one and only Mr harry styles" louis yells out with excitement

"well thank you thank you for that introduction no wonder everyone keeps coming back" harry teases as he starts to laugh

"ohh stop it we love to have fun here" louis says

"I know and I still haven't forgotten that you friendzoned me when you played that game with liam I thought at least marry but to friendzone me that hurt" harry teazes as he starts to laugh

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