Chapter 31

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"hey buddy doctor said you did amazing" harry says as anthony smiles as he falls asleep "he will be ok i know it i just know ti"

"i believe you" tammy says as she lays down with anthony as harry goes to a nearby chair and sits down

As he stares at tammy and Anthony as he starts to cry imagining louis and ben and harry cries harder his heartbreaking thinking the worst and how he would not be there because he walked away from the love of his life and his son and harry stands up and walks out of the room as he goes to his car and starts to drive and an hour later harry gets to where he is going and parks his car in front of the house as he takes a deep breath as he looks at his watch

"8:15 they wont kill me" harry says as he takes a deep breath and gets out of the car and walks to the door and knocks and a few minutes later harry hears the door unlocking

"Harry" the person says in shock as harry starts to cry

"dan I need your help" harry says with a knot on his throat

"son why are you crying" jay says as she hugs harry

"I need help dan please I need you there is small boy I befriended and he might have cancer please he is only 4 years old I am begging you please help him he needs to live" harry cries out as he drops to his knees "please dan help me"

"harry calm down please I need to know what is going on first" dan says as he picks up harry and hugs him tight as he starts to cry as jay walks in the house grabs a bottle of water "harry come inside"

"im sorry" harry says as he takes a deep breath and takes a drink of the water

"please talk to us" dan says

"umm there is a little boy his name is Anthony his mom tammy and I became friends when" harry says as he tells dan and jay how they became friends "I didn't talk to her until a few months back when I needed someone to talk to she treats me like louis normal I had nobody I could trust when I went back to see her she slapped me because she was so worried about me"

"I like her" jay says with a small laugh

"so today I went to see her I needed to talk to someone and the hostess told me her son got hurt at daycare" harry says as he tells them about Anthony might having cancer "please he is 4 years old and he is all she has her husband died in a bad car accident when he was almost 3 months old please dan help me I don't know who else to ask for help so I am here begging you help him please" harry begs

"what hospital is he in" dan asks

"community memorial in London I don't know what else to do or who to ask" harry says as his phone starts to ring "im sorry its her and I didn't tell her I was leaving"

"its ok answer" dan says

"tam" harry says as he puts the phone on speaker

"harry its cancer please where are you" tammy says

"umm I came to talk to some friends I will be there as soon as I can" harry says crying

"im sorry harry" jay says

"dan please" harry begs

"I am a cardiologist but I have a friend who works with children with cancer I will call him and have him get in touch with you in the morning I promise does your friend need anything" dan asks

"I am paying for everything and I am flying her family to her" harry says "um thank you umm I better get going im sorry for bothering you this late but I didn't know who else to talk to"

"harry we will always be here for you so no matter what happens please know that our door will always be open for you" jay says as she hugs harry tight

"thank you" harry says in almost a whisper

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