Chapter 11

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Its been  6 months since louis and harry got together but lately it seems all they do is fight about anything and since they are both so stubborn neither one wants to back down and that's when it gets more intense and louis doesn't know what he wants to do but he knows that is not what he wants in a relationship harry has also started to record for his new album

"hurry louis we are going to be late" liam yells out as louis gets his car keys and they walk out of the radio station

"are you sure you might be pregnant" louis question

"I don't know just I haven't been feeling well the last few weeks I just want to make sure I am ok" liam says

"have you talked to niall about it"

"no I am scared we been together less than a year and I don't know how he will react" liam says

"ok well you know that no matter what I am here for you" louis says as they get to liams car and drive to the doctors office

"and you and harry how are you doing" liam says

"bad its so bad all we do is fight about any stupid thing" louis says

"like what" liam asks

"just stupid things like last night he wanted to watch some movie and I was lets watch another movie and he got all mad like I told him to turn off the television I am not going to be walking on eggshells just to keep him happy" louis says

"im sorry what are you going to do" liam says

"I think its best we break up I am scared that one day we will take it to far" louis says as he starts to cry "fucked up part is I love him I am so in love with him"

"im sorry I really I thought you and harry were meant to be" liam says

"me too its just when things are good its amazing but when we argue its when things go so bad so bad its just a screaming match on who can hurt the other worse and I refuse to be in a relationship like that" louis says as they get to liams doctors office and liam checks in as louis goes to sit down as his phone starts to ring and louis sees its harry and send him to voicemail and turns off his phone and soon liam goes to sit down next to louis

"I am so scared what if i am pregnant and niall leaves me" liam says as the tears start to pool

"I got you and will be there for you no matter what happens" louis says as they hug

"Liam payne" the nurse yells out as liam and louis stand up

"um can my friend come in with me" liam asks nervously

"yes of course" the nurse says as she starts to get what she needs and soon walks them to a private room "have a seat on the table and you can have a seat on the chair" she says as she walks out of the room and louis and liam sit down where they were told

"are you ok" louis asks

"no this is getting to real" liam says as the tears start to fall as louis gets up and hugs liam

"we will be ok I promise" louis says

"thank you" liam says as they hear a knock at the door and the doctor walks in

"afternoon what is the reason for your visit" the doctor says

"umm I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive and I have been feeling sick these last 2 months" liam says

"ok so lets get things checked out and we can see where we stand ok don't be nervouse" the doctor says as a nurse walks in and starts to get what she needs

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