Chapter 32-She is Back

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Lucy's POV

No.... she... Lumina... she left me too... no...


HUH?! I looked around the dark to find no one. That voice. Is that... Natsu?

Luce!!!! Say something! LUCY!

Natsu... Natsu... "NATSU!" I shouted. Then a bright light came over me. I closed my eyes. Too light. Then I sense the light is gone. I opened my eyes and blink.

I blink until I get to adjust everything. I looked infront of me to see Natsu with tears. "Natsu?" I asked. He looked at me. "Luce!" He exclaimed and immediately hugged me tight.

"Your alright.... your alright... your not dead... your alive..." he keep saying that. I smile a little and hugged him back. "Yes. I am alive, Natsu" I said. We stay like that for some time until someone cough.

We pulled back to see the others looking at us with a smile. We blushed. "I suggest we should get back to where Asteshia-san and Ashiee-chan are" Wendy said.

"Why? Lumina is there, aren't she?" Gray asked. I froze. Lumina... I began to looked down. I sense them looking at me. "Lucy.. Lumina is still there, right?" Erza asked with a little hesitation. I slowly shook my head.

They were stunned. "Lumina-chan... she... she picked my life over hers. She... she risk her life just for me" I explained with tears flowing down. Natsu began to hugged me again. "Sh... Lucy... everything will be alright" Natsu said.

I began to calm down a little. "Then... are you still.... a demon?" Gray asked. I pulled away from the hug amd wiped my tears. "No.. I'm not.... not anymore" I replied. "Then... how would we defeat Haylee now?" Erza asked.

Silence filled the air. Our only hope. Lost. How would we fight Haylee now? No...


Huh? Who's there? Wait.... a voice in my head?!

Hahahha.... it's my turn now to irritate you! Lucy Heartfilia! Take the pain of being irritated!!!

I mentally sweatdropped. Wait a minute... Is that you, Lumina?

Tch. Ofcourse it's me baka. I'm just here to tell you some things...

And that is?

Will you shut up and let me finish? I am here to tell you that you still have those demon powers you have but you are not a demon.

Wait... what?!!!!!!

Yes. It is true. Now shut up and fight! I want true destruction!!! BWUAHAHHAHAA!!!

I sweatdropped. "Lucy-san? Are you alright?" Wendy asked. I nodded. I stood up since I was sitting on the floor. Natsu stood up afterwards. "So... what's the plan, Lucy?" Natsu asked. I sighed.

"I will fight Haylee. Lumina just talked into my head and said I still have my demon powers. Unfortunately, did not as strong like before" I explaind.

Keys lucy. Use your keys! Baka!

I vein popped in my head. Will you shut up?! I sighed. I looked at Natsu. "Natsu. Did you somehow brought my keys here?" I asked. Natsu looked at Happy.

Happy's there?!

Wow. You didn't know?

Nope. I thought its just my imagination... tch. Stupid annoying cat.

I sweatdropped. I looked at Happy. "Happy?" I asked. Happy smiles and brought out my Celestial Keys from his bag. Then he summoned his wings and flew over me. "There you go, Lushiee!!!" Happy exclaimed.

I grin and grab my keys. I brought my hand up. "Yosh! Let's get going now! We still need to defeat Haylee!!!" I exclaimed. "YOSH!" they exclaimed. Then we ran our way back to where Asteshia and Ashiee are.

Hmm... it reminds me. Hey Lumina, do I still have my dragon slayer magic?

Hm.... how would I know?

A vein popped my my head. You just told me I have my demon powers but you don't know if I got my dragon slaying magic?!!!!

Ah.... hm... not quite. Do I have dragon slayer magic? Nope. So nope.

I sighed. I wish I could win. Wait. No. I will win this! I will win this battle! For Fairy Tail! For Lumina! And For Natsu!

Hahha... yes. That's it. Lucy Heartfilia. Fight for your love one. Fight.

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