Chapter 15-Attacked

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Asteshia's POV

The next day...

It's 11 am. We just finished a job this morning. I didn't even break a sweat! Ha! "That was fun!" Lucy declared with a big smile at her face.

"Well, great for you two because you guys only do the fighting" Natsu said with depressed feeling.

Lucy giggle a bit. "Well, it's still fun" Lucy said. Then I felt a speed coming to us. "Dodge!" I shouted as I move away from my spot.

We all dodged it. Then as I walked nearer I was a long katana. They all walked nearer. "What the hell was that?!" Natsu shouted. 

I scanned the katana. "It's a Demon Slaying Katana. It is for Lucy" I said with anger going through my body.

They were shocked except for Lucy, ofcourse. "I thought so" Lucy mumbles with anger too. I closed my eyes. 

"Haylee Demia, Demon Princess" I said calmly. "Ah.. I knew this day will come" Lucy said while looking down. Her bangs were covering her face.

"Who's Haylee Demia, Luce?" Natsu asked her. "Haylee Demia, the demon princess Annaeh said" Lucy said. 

"Annaeh?" Natsu asked again. "Annaeh, the client of our job last week, I guees" Gray said. I sighed. 

"This just proves that Lucy is in danger especially when Ashiee isn't here" I said as I looked at Natsu. 

"Natsu, protect Lucy" I said. He smiled at me and nodded. I looked back at Lucy who's in dark aura. Still pissed off. 

"Haylee Demia? I'll surpass her soon" Lucy said and continued on walking while her bangs covering her face. 

We followed her. Everything we're silent while we're walking. I just kept on thinking at the attacked. The katana. 

That katana was in the Heartfilia family but how the hell is that at them? Did they stole it? Why wasn't I informed?

Damn those Clocluse Demons! I'll kill everyone of them. "Lucy, I'll kill them" I declared which made us stop walking. 

Lucy half-looked at me, her bangs is still covering her face. "No, I'll kill them" she replied back with a grin. 

"I'll kill everyone of them soon enough" Lucy said then she turned away and continued on walking. I smiled. Thank you, Lucy. 

"Don't worry Luce! We'll help you!" Natsu declared happily. "Hai, we'll always support you, Lucy" Erza said. 

Now, I just felt Lucy smiling. The I looked at Lucy and smiled. I promised Queen Layla to protect you always, Princess. 

Then minutes later, we arrived infront of the guild. Natsu and Gray opened the door which only made our eyes widen. 

The guild members were... all injured. We immediately checked them up. Then we walked to master. 

"Matser, what happened?" Erza asked. "5 demons attacked the guild" master replied. My eyes widen. 

"Demons..? THose Clocluse bastards!" I said with anger. "Your the guild master, right?" I asked. He nods.

"Can I have the permission to attacked my fellow demons?" I asked him. He just looked at me blankly. 

"No need." He said before closing his eyes and drink his beer. I wa shocked, ofcourse. I'm mad!

"BAKA!" I surprisely shouted which dragged the whole guild member's attentions. I head down.

"I'm not doing this for your guild. I'm doing this for Princess Lucy!" I declared while stopping my tears from falling. 

"I promised her to protect Lucy with all my might. I won't lose" I said. Then tears started falling from my eyes. 

"I'll protect her always and forever, I won't back down" I said as I turn around and walked away from all of them. 

I'll give my life just for Princess Lucy Heartfilia. I won't let anyone harm her. I won't let her die!! Never...

I'll kill you, Haylee Demia, I won't lose to you! I won't let you kill her! Not in my sight. Natsu-san will protect her too. 

Natsu will be always there for her. Even though I die someday, I'll die smiling cause of the thought of Lucy being happy. 

She's happy, I'm happy. Forgive me, Princess Lucy Heartfilia. But my time is near.. Take care. 

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