Chapter 13-Like the old days

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the next day..

Natsu's POV

We're walking to the guild after we camp at the forest last night and the train were totally terrible! "Lucy, is something bugging you?" Erza asked. Then I looked at Lucy who's carrying Ashiee at her arms.

She was looking at the ground while walking. "There is someone, Erza." Lucy said. "The other Demon Princess is creeping me out. Fresh human bloods? she's not a vampire, is she?" Lucy said.

Then she looked at Erza. "Erza, what if I can't surpass her? What if she surpass me?" Lucy said with fear. Then she looked away. "I'm scared." Lucy said. Erza sigh.

"As long Fairy Tail is at your side your safe, Lucy" Gray said as he pat her shoulders. "Oi Luce! We'll help you out, right Happy?" I said. "Aye Sir!" Happy said while flying.

I laugh a bit. "But guys, I decided. I don't wanna be a full human anymore" she declared which made us stopped at walking. We looked at Lucy in surprise. "WHAT?!" we shouted. She giggles.

She looked at us. "I discovered that human blood isn't really a cure. It will just made me go to the hard part. There's really no cure at my illness" she said sadly.

"But yet.. who cares of I became a full demon someday? I'm proud of it." she said happily and started walking again. We followed her. I'm woorried about her, doh.

"Lucy, are you alright with this?" Erza asked her. "Ofcourse! My mom is one so I should be" she said with some happy tone. With that we reached the guild. I kicked the door open.

"MINNA! WE'RE BACK!" I shouted. Then we sat at the nearest table. Then Levy approached Lucy. "Lu-chan!" Levy shouted. Lucy looked at her and smiles. "Levy-chan!" she shouted back.

Then Levy sat next to her. "Lu-chan, how's your job?" Levy asked. "Great!" Lucy said. "Ne, Lu-chan, I haven't find a cure yet" Levy informed Lucy. Lucy sigh.

"Levy-chan, I accept whatever fate gives me" Lucy said. "Princess Lulu, Asteshia-chan said that she'll be here in no time" Ashiee declared. Lucy's eyes widen.

"WHy so, Ash?" Lucy asked. "She said nothing about explaination" Ashiee said. Lucy looked at Levy. "Ne, Levy-chan, how's life?" Lucy asked. Levy looked at her in confuse.

"What are you talking about Lu-chan?" Levy asked her. "Hm.. Levy-chan, I was wondering if how are you lately.... When you.. found out that I'm Demon Princess" Lucy said while looking down.

Then the whole guild, who seems to heard what Luce said, went to silent and looked at Lucy and Levy with open ears.

Levy just smile. "Lu-chan, I was happy. I never thought there'll be a good demon at all. I thought they were very bad yet here are you! You changed the word demons in my mind, Lu-chan" Levy said.

Lucy just hide her face with her bangs. "Levy-chan, there's only 20% of good demons living which mades a great average for the bad demons." Lucy explained.

"Demons are heartless, I tell you. We good demons might be with the dark side someday. I know I'm not bad but I'm scared of falling to the darkness" Lucy said with tears falling.

"I once fell. I killed many people in sight but the only one that stops me is my mama. I almost got killed because I'm not the only one inside the darkness that day." Lucy said.

Our eyes widen. She fell into the darkness?! I... I can't believe it! "I was bleeding all night when I attacked. All I felt was anger that day. Hearing stories about how humans torchured demons" Lucy said.

Lucy sighed. "I was hopeless anyways.." Lucy said. "Luce, you're not hopeless. You're strong actually." I said to rise her hopes up. She looked up to me and smile.

I smiled back to her. "Baka-Natsu, Princess Lulu is suffering." Ashiee said to me. Lucy just shoot her a dead glare. "ASHIEE!!" Luce shouted.

I looked at Lucy as she chased Ashiee around the guild. I laugh a bit at Lucy's attitudes. That's the Lucy I know... The Lucy of Fairy Tail.

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