Chapter 10-Explaination

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A day after...

Lucy's POV

"NANI?? YOU'RE DEMON PRINCESS?!" the whole guild shoutly asked. I was standing at the middle of the guild and suddenly nodded. They are too surprise. 

 I was originally at my normal form, human form. "Th-then wh-why are y-you all sw-sweet?" Macao said nervously. I evily smile. 

"Is it wrong to be sweet?" I dumby asked. Then Macao slowly shook his head. "Demons are.." he paused for a minute. 

Then he looked at Romeo and looked at me then gulped. "They're cold-hearted" he continued. 

"As you wish, Macao" I said in a dark voice. I was then surrounded by dark light, then it slowly vanished. 

I was ended up at my demon form. Lightier blonde hair, bloody red eyes, black long dress and black long boots. I looked at them demonly. 

"Ne, I always wanted to kill you, Macao" I said with a evil voice and a deadly stare. Macao went shivering. 

I can't... take it... anymore... I burst out of laughing. "Huh?" The guild said. "Hahaha... look at you... hahah... so.. funny!" I said while laughing. 

 "Oi Luce! you shouldn't scare the guild like that!" Natsu demanded. "I agree, Lu-chan" Levy added. 

I rub my slightly tears from my eyes that came from laughing. "I.. I just.." I said while holding my laugh tightly. 

I looked at the guild and smiled sweetly. "Demon hormones, I guess" I added. "What are you talking about Lucy?" Erza asked. 

I looked at her. "Well, there are times that demon princess went all out of control at my body" I paused. 

They looked at me in confusion. "What?" Gray asked. I exhaled a little. What have I done? Now I'm stuck!!

"Princess Lulu, you're now stuck" Ash said to me calmly which pissed me off much! What kind an exceed is she?

Then I glared ath her and he replied me a glare too. "Oi! Shut the hell up, Ash!" I shouted while looking at her. 

"Why would I? you got yourself into a huge mess.." She said while slowly looking at my eyes or me... 

I looked away. "It's not like I would tell them by the way.." I said coldly. "Tell us what, Lucy?" I heard master asked me. 

I snobbed. "Lushiee, tell them" Ash begged me, I looked at her and saw her with tearing eyes. NANI???!!!

"O-oi! Wh-what are yo-you doing, A-ASH!!!" I tell her with a nervous voice. "Please... tell them" she said again with teary eyes. 

I breath in and out and looked at the guild. Ash is so gonna pay for this! 100 times everyday at OUR house. 

"Guys, I am Lucy of Fairy Tail. It's just the demon inside me." I said in a sad tone while looking at them. 

"Luce?" Natsu mumble.. "Minna, demons are planning to take over the world" I explained. Their eyes went wide. 

"N-NANI??!!" they shoutly asked. I laugh a little. "Not a big problem" I calmly said to them which made them jaw dropped. 

"Not a big problem?" "Is she serious?" "It's the demons, Lucy" some guild members mumbled. I smiled. 

"Lushee, are you serious?" Happy asked me worriedly. I gladly nodded and smile at them. 

I stare at the floor. "No big deal actually. It's just a piece of cake for me, doh." I quietly said while smiling and staring at the ground.

"I'm just borned being a half demon and a half human" I said in a sad tone then I didn't know tears are falling from my eyes. 

I think the guild saw me because I heard gasps. I never really want to be a half demon and destroy the world actually. 

But I guess that isn't my fault anyways. I rub off my tears and looked at Ashiee who's looking at me deeply. 

"Gomene Ashiee" I said. But before she could reply I began to felt a sharp pain at my stomach. I screamed. 

I kneeled down and wrap myy arms at my stomach. Don't tell me its happening now! No.... not yet!!!

The whole get went running to me "Lucy!/Lu-chan!/Luce!/Lushiee!/Bunny Girl!" they all called for me. Until Ash stopped them. 

She stop them by using barrier around me as safety. "Luce!" Natsu shouted. I pushed myself to looked at him. 

When I made eye contact to him I smiled to him. To assure to him that I'm all fine untill I scream again! 

"Lulu-chan had been attacked again" Ash said with a worried tone. "Attacked?" Wendy asked her. She looked at them. 

"She's been through this ever since she uses Demon Dragon Slayer Magic." Ashiee explained. "Means.." she paused. 

"She is suffering as I said yesterday." she added to her sentence. The pain gotten all hard, I scream and scream. 

I can't keep it anymore. I'm gonna die with this pain. I'm gonna lose my breath infront of Fairy Tail. 

I scream and scream. I felt my guildmates looked at me with horror at their faces. Blood started to came out from my mouth. 

"Lucy.." I heard Levy mumbled. "Uhg.. m-minna... I...can't... t-take... it... anymore.." I mumbled as I head down. 

Then the pain gotten stronger and stronger. "ASHIEEE!!!!" I shouted through my lungs. "Demon Sky Magic: Demon Healing" 

Ash chanted. Ishh... took you so long to chant that to me! How dare you!!!. Then the pain slowly went away. 

I slowly stood up and rub away the blood from my mouth. Then the barrier vanished. I walked up to Ash. 

I punched her at the head. "OI! WHAT"S THAT FOR?!" she shouted to me. I glare to her. 

"HOW DARE YOU TO TOOK SO LONG TO HEAL ME UP!" I shouted back to her. She just glared to me. 

"Well, I thought you could heal yourself" she mumbles. "I heard you! I CAN'T heal myself!" I shouted back to her. 

"I didn't know" she mumbles back! "Why you little!" I said in a irritated voice. I heard someone gigling. 

I turn to looked at the guild. They were all giggling, smiling, and laughing. I smiled, yes, they are stil the Fairy Tail that I know. 

I'm glad to be here... at Fairy Tail. 

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