Chapter 5-Welcome Back Lucy

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Gray's POV

After Lucy came back and opened her gifts, she went with us heading to the guild. There were actually strange gifts, doh. I just gave a book titled The End Of Me with a two persons there, actually I kinda feel a bit strange about it. 

The two persons there surely looked familiar.... Ne, Erza got Lucy some new clothes to wear, Wendy got her a key necklace, Happy got her some fish, while Natsu got her some teddy bear. Weird right?

Oh well, Lucy kinda likes it and named it Ideo. I sure Ideo is from the word idiot. But now were walking and head to the guild with Lucy and Ashie.

"Ne, Lucy, where did you go anyway?" Natsu asked while his hands on his back. "Hmm.... I don't remember it well... maybe hell?" Lucy reply making us laugh a litlle. 

 "So funny, Lucy" Erza said. Lucy went starring at the sky "Ne, Lushie-chan, what are you thinking?" Ashiee asked Lucy while flying beside her shoulder. "Hell" Lucy said.

"Wait, are you serious about the hell thing, Lucy?" Natsu asked on surprise, Lucy just looked at her and smile "Ofcourse not! Why would I go to hell, anyways?" Lucy said.

Hmm... why would she anyways? Why would someone go to hell? Hmm.... "Anyways, why are you guys asking me?" Lucy asked curiously. "Don't now" we said. 

Then as we looked infront of us, we saw Fairy Tail. Natsu kicked the door leaving it burst open. "Oi minna!" Natsu shouted "We have someone for you all!" he added "Aye sir!" Happy added.

Then we walked inside, as the guild saw Lucy, who's looking around, their eyes widen. "Woah... I think the guild hasn't change a bit" she declared. Then her eyes went to the crown who's still shocked.

Lucy smiled and waved her right hand. "Minna! I am home!" she shouted. After some seconds the whole guild went rushing to her giving her some wamr hugs and smiles. 

"LUCY!!!" they said Lucy just reply them a sweet smile. It is good to have Lucy back. Then master went up infront of her. "Konichiwa Lucy" master greeted her.

"Konichiwa Master" Lucy replied. "Would you mind following me at my office?" Master asked, Lucy just nodded and followed master to his office. I wonder what they'll talk about.

Lucy's POV

I followed master to his office. He shut the door and we sit. Is this about my training? "So Lucy, does Layla explained everything to you?" master asked me. I nodded.

"Well, do you plan on telling the whole guild your identity, Lucy?" master asked me with a blank expression. "Not yet, master" I reply. "Then when?" he replied back. Hmm... I am getting pissed.

"Don't know but yet trying to keep it for good" I replied him back! Bleh.... "Demons now days, huh?" master said while his eyes closed. "Demons are really hard to get and hard to fight" I said.

"So, Team Natsu?" I nodded. "Lucy, may I asked. Are you the demon dragon slayer that almost killed the demon earlier?" then he opened his eyes and looked at me, I just smiled evily. 

"You knew me well, ji-chan" I said with a demonic voice. "I am in Fairy Tail's side. No need to worry of you think demons will attack the guild" I said. "I know they'll attack soon" he replied.

"Master, I can handle them! Besides when they attacked I will change to be a demon and explained to the whole guild about everything" I said to make him relief "How?" he asked.

How, eh? Then I release a large amount of dark power which I think the guild felt. Then the magic power went gone "No wonder" that's all he said.

I stood up, bow, and leave his office. I quickly went to Team Natsu who's sitting and still frozen from the large amount of power I released. Hehe... this will be fun! "Oi!" I shouted to them.

"Lucy!" Erza said in surprise "Are you guys turning into statues or something?" I asked them in Lucy's sweetly way... hehe... " Did you felt the dark power, Lucy-san?" Wendy asked me.

I shake my head and looked at them. I saw Ashiee looking at me and glared. "You should have sense it" Ashiee said. I smiled and carried her within my arms. 

"Don't worry too much, Ash-chan" I said, she just snobbed me. Don;t you dare to make me pissed Ashiee. I am already warning you!  Huff.. "Ne, Lucy?" Erza said "Hai?" I reply.

"Where are you from?" she asked. I smiled at her "Like I said earlier, I am from hell" I said sweetly. They sigh in defeat. They still think I'm joking at them but I am telling the truth, doh. 

"Ne, Lucy, you wanna go on a job tomorrow?" Natsu asked me. I gave him a big smile and nodded. Natsu and Happy cheered in happiness "But Natsu" "Yeah?" "Can I picked our job?" then the two of them just

looked at me in surprise. "Well... sure Luce" he said still in disbelieve "Arigato Natsu!" I said gladly. I wish there's jobs there were demon can be. But with Team Natsu? I think I need gemini for these. 

I still can't reveal them my real identity, not just yet. Now I'm spacing out of everything... everything. Levy-chan! Oh gosh! I forgot about my bestfriend. Then I search her but I didn't see her. Where could she be?

Levy's POV

I am at the guild's library. Searching clue's about demons. There's a bit strange about Lu-chan. I feel a bit strange about the large dark power I sensed a while ago. Could it be from Lu-chan?

She said she is from hell, why would she lie? or is she? is she really Lu-chan? Urg! I keep on thinking and thinking! I can't hold my questions anymore! I need answers.... answers!

Who is Lucy Heartfilia I saw a while ago upstairs at the guild. Her eyes aren't pure brown anymore. There's something strange about her hair, her lips. Her everthing. Am I just... over reacting?

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