Chapter 11-My illness

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Lucy's POV

I'm now at my apartment taking a good rest because of the pain I felt hours ago. It's like 3 in the afternoon. My friends are also here for assistance. 

"Are you sure you're okay, Lu-chan?" Levy asked me sitting with me at the bed. I nodded and smile. "Is theres something hurts you, Lucy?" Happy asked me. I shook my head. 

I smiled. "Guys, I'm 100% fine. No need to worry" I said with a grin. "No worry my butt" Gray said while crossed arms and standing near at the door. 

"Lucy, we'll keep you company no matter what" Erza said while eating her strawberry cake at the table. I laugh silently at the view. 

I looked at Natsu who's standing crossed arms infront of me while also looking at me. "Oi Luce, why did you even had stomach aches?" he asked.

Before I could answer, Ashiee cutted in. "Its not stomach aches. It's called Demon Byvoricy" she said while crossed arms standing beside me.

"Demon Baked Icy what?" Natsu said which made me laugh a bit. "Demon Byvoricy stupid!" Ash corrected him while shouting at the same time. 

"It's an illness for half demon and half human only. It's kinda when their blood is fighting its occupation." Ash said unsurely. 

I sighed. "Illness that wants to took over you human blood and replace it with demon ones." I added. They just looked at me in disbelief. 

Levy stood up and looked at me. "Are they any cure?" she askes. I nodded. "But then the cure is way more impossible to happen" I said. 

They looked at me in confuse. "Whatcha mean, Lucy?" Gray asked. "It's just impossible" I said while slowly laying down at my bed. 

I was now starring at the ceiling. "The cure is to let me atleast drink human blood for 3 days." I said. Their eyes went wide. I slightly smile.

"Lu-chan.." Levy mumbled. "Ofcourse I won't ever doing that! I just can't suck human blood bbecause I'm not even a vampire or something.." I said. 

"Luce.." Natsu mumbled. I looked at Natsu in confusion then he walked over beside me and sat down next to me. "Drink mine" he offered. 

I blushed. Dr-drink h-his blood? OMG! I AM GOING TO BE AN IDIOT!!! "N-Natsu y-you don't understand" I said. "Understand what?" he asked me. I looked away while blushing. 

This boy is really a dense idiot. "I just can't drink any blood that I choose. I had to drink someone's blood close to me." I explained. Then Natsu pointed her wrist. 

"Mine" he said. "Why do you want her to drink your blood, Natsu?" Happy asked. "Because I want to" he said without taking his eyes off me. 

I saw some slightly blush at his cheeks which mades me giggles. "Natsu, we need to trade" I said while turning to me demon form. 

"Trade?" he asked. I slowly sat up and looked at him. I got his wrist and slowly suck it. "L-Lucy!!!" Ashiee shouted. I let go of his wrist. 

He just looked at it and saw some blood with it. "I want more" I said in a dark voice. I began to crawl to hime and hugged him. What the hell am I doing?

Now, all I wanted is to suck some more. Am I a vampire? "STOP HER!!!!" Ashiee shouted which made my friends running to me. 

But yet I began to suck Natsu's neck. OMG!! I'm sucking Natsu's neck!!! Then someone pushed me away which made me rolled back at my bed. 

Then as I looked back at Natsu. He was standing behind Gray and Erza. Wendy and Levy are holding me back. "N-Natsu!!!" I shouted as I trying to get out of the grip. 

"L-Lu-chan please.. control yourself" Levy said. "Lucy, control yourself! Natsu is not a food!" Erza shouted at me. Then I began to stop myself from trying getting out of the trip. 

I head down. Tears fall from my eyes. "Gomene Natsu. I just... didn't control myself.." I said then I began to change to my human form. 

Then Wendy and Levy let go of the grip. I was just there sitting at the bed while my head down. "I'm sorry Natsu." I apologized. 

I looked at Natsu with teary eyes. He walk slowly next to me and then he hugged me. My eyes went wide. "It's okay, Luce, maybe next time" he said. 

I hugged him tightly with tears flowing from my eyes. Then he let go of our hug. We just looked at each other, eye to eye. 

He smiled. "Does my blood taste good?" he asked me. I giggle "Yes, yes it does. Natsu?" I paused. "Yes?" he replied. 

"I can't drink your blood, Natsu. It may went up to 'it' " I said with a 'duh' tone. Natsu just blushed as red as a tomato. I laugh at his face expression. 

"Don't worry Natsu. I won't do it anyway" I said with a teasing smile at my face. He just looked away with a blush at his face. I giggle a bit. 

Wait a minute. If I drank some Natsu's blood means I only got some blood more for me to NOT be a demon anymore yet..

I don't wanna be a full human. Sorry Natsu but I don't wanna drink your blood anymore. Not ever... I want to be a demon for some reason. 

Sorry Natsu but I won't be going for the cure of my illness. Not ever...

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