Chapter 2-A Demon

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Lucy's POV

We left the guild 30 minutes ago. Now we're deep inside the forest, the girl is still dragging me on my arm! Kinda reminds me of Natsu sometimes... hm... creepy! The the girl threw me on the ground, leaving me sat down.

"OUCH!" I shouted. She just glare at me and looked away. Howcome I'm stuck with this girl for 3 years? I wish not! There, she looked at me again but in a worried expression. Huh? It just gives me the creeps inside me!

"I missed you, Lucy-san" the girl said. Wait what? She missed me? Do I even know her? "We need to get back home, princess" she added. Princess? Are you Virgo? I wish... so that yo could be nice to me for a change!

Then she casted a spell on the ground, Vesto Fierra, that's what I hear... I think, then we began to be surrounded by flames. If Natsu is here he'll eat those flames. What am I saying? Natsu, Natsu, Natsu! Get that word off my head!

Then after some seconds, I saw a blonde hair woman with bloody red eyes infront of me. No... she's... "My Queen Layla, I've brought Lucy back to us" the girl said with a happy expression. Layla smiled.

Layla's eyes began to went teary then she began to hugged me tight. "I missed you, Lucy, my daughter" Those words melt into my heart. My mom is.... alive! But... how? she died, did she survived death?

Then she release her hug. I'm still frozen. "Dear, I know your still curious about everything" I cutted her "Your a demon?" I looked at her eyes. Bloody Red... confirmed, she's a demon alright! Means I'm a... no way!

"Yes, I am a demon, also you" As she said that it keep on repeating on my mind again and again. I'm a demon? "Your the Demon Princess, my dear" Demon Princess? even worst! I think I'm gonna faint!

"And your here to train your powers" she continued. She stood up straight and reach her hand. "Will you?" she asked, waiting for me to reach her hand who's waiting. I stare at mom's hand. Will I? Many will change.

I reach for her hand. Mom helped me stood up and she smiled at me."Welcome to Fierra my dear Lucy" she greeted me with joy. I smiled back "Thank mom, I missed you so much!" I said with tears. Thensomething pooped on my mind.

"Mom.." "Yes?" she cutted me. Then I continued "If I'm a demon, then why don't I have red eyes?" I asked curiously, you see, ALL demons had bloody red eyes as a mark for them as demon. Mom smiled at me.

"My dear, you can hide you demon form because you're half demon and half human" Means, my dad was really human? Thank goodness! I think I got some human blood because of my dad! Yey!

"Lucy, someone is after you life that's why you have a choice to pick. Stay here or visit." She told me in serious tone. Wait... so I have a options? Stay here and live with my mother bbut never see Fairy Tail again.

But visit Fierra and live on Magnolia with my friends or may I say family? Well, that worth a try. "Maybe I could visit Fierra sometimes." I said while giving mom a small smile. "Alright then!" mom said.

"Let's start our training, shall we?" mom asked happily "Hai!" I reply. "Oh before I forgot" mom looked at the girl who fetched me up "This is Asteshia Delord, my asistant or loyal demon" she added.

Asteshia Delord? I think I heard that before, nah! oh well! "Mom, I thought demons are bad" I said without thinking properly. Mom and Asteshia eyes' widen at what I just said. Oppsy!

"Those demons lived at Clocluse" mom said sadly. Clocluse? Wait, means there's bad and good demons? How amazing! "They are demons who want revenge on humans" Asteshia explained. 

"Revenge? For what?" I asked curiously. Then, they explained everything to me. My eyes widen, humans did that? How.... how horrable! I can't think of me doing that! I... I was over reacting.... -_-"

"So, as I was saying, let's continue?" Mom asked me again. I nodded. Soon, we started walking inside Fierra, my kingdom. My real home....

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