Chapter Thirty Seven

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One Smile Please

Chapter Thirty Seven:

Cameron held out a hand, and I took it. "Let's not think about any of that for the time being, and let's just enjoy the rest of the night, okay?" I nod as we started walking towards the venue. It was outside again. Just like last time. But this time there was more. There was snow. It hadn't snowed so far this year, and it didn't look like it was going to, but there was snow here. If there was one thing I loved more than food, it was snow! My eyes immediately brightened and I almost ran towards the place. How come it was only snowing here though.confused I looked at Cameron, who just shrugged. But I could see the tiny glint in his eyes. I looked back and I saw it. Or I saw them. Two people were standing on the roof of one of gazeebos and spraying fake snow. How did Cameron know? I'd never ever told him how much I loved the snow. There was similar lighting around the gazebo, but this time it was for just us. No one else was sitting at other tables. Just us. And well a few employees. It was beautiful. That's also when I noticed that there was soft music playing somewhere in the background.

Oh my god, I finally had my own background music. I almost squealed in glee. Yes, I have always wanted my own background music. I looked at Cameron and he had his hand outstretched for me once again.

"May I have this dance?" What was this a fucking fairytale?!

"No way Cameron," I said in disbelief.

"Yes way, now hurry up, you idiot, I'm on a timed schedule. You have to be home before midnight." He exasperated.

"Seriously, Cinderella?"


His hand was still there, I sighed and took it. I may be playing it off cool. But I was mentally fangirling.

We started dancing slowly, just in time with the music, swaying with one another. One of his hands on my lower back and the other entwined with my fingers. There was no space between us whatsoever. In that single moment, everything was perfect. I wanted everything to stay like that. For as long as possible.

Somewhere later on in the song, both my arms had travelled to Cameron's neck and his to my waist.

I don't know how long we were like that, but it was definitely not long enough. Because not long after something in front of me caught my eye. White sign cards. And they spelled out 'I'm sorry.'


"Hmm." Reluctantly I moved away from him. And pointed at the signs. "Too early guys," Cameron grumbled, then looked at me. But I refused to look back. I kept staring at the signs. My eyes focused and I finally saw the guys that were holding up the message. It was Brad, Lexi, Jenny, Simon and some other random girl, who I was going to assume was with Brad, due to how close they were to one another. My eyes travelled to Lexi, and furrowed in confusion. She had feelings for Cameron... Yet she was here? Helping Cameron get me?

I had no words. How could someone be so good?

Jenny and Simon on the other hand were smiling and cheering like idiots. Well, mainly Jenny. When they realised that we had both stopped dancing and were looking at them, they turned over their cards. This time they read, 'for being a jerk'.

"I know I should've told you what was going on, and for not doing so, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting like I didn't care. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings over and over again. I'm sorry for not being able to be a good friend. I'm sorry for everything Charlie. I know saying sorry is never enough, it can never amend what I've done. But it's a start right. All I want with you is a chance to fix what I've broken. I know you hate me," No I don't. "You want nothing to do with me," I want everything to do with you, "But I can't lose you." Does it look like I want to lose you, you idiot? "Because, because I love you Charlie." My breath hitched, my eyes widened. Did he just... "I love everything about you. The way you smile, laugh, cry. The fact that you care too much about everything and everyone. The way you pull random faces when you think no ones looking," I almost laughed and tears started to gather at my eyes. "I love you Charlie. You taught me how to laugh, smile and feel again. You became my friend even when I had been nothing but a jerk to you. You've been so good to me, and I've been nothing but a jerk. Which is why I can't ask for anything more than a chance. One chance." Somehow Cameron's hand was cupping my left cheek, and his thumb grazed it, ever so slightly. Unconsciously I leaned into his touch. My eyes travelled to his, and all I wanted to do was agree. How was it that he could read all of my thoughts but when it came to my feelings for him, he was clueless? I could give him a million chances if I had actually blamed him for anything.

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