Chapter Nine

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One Smile Please

Chapter Nine:

“I knew this was a bad idea?” Simon whisper-shouted at me.

“I was being reckless, you’re my best friend, you should’ve fucking stopped me!” I whispered back angrily.

Simon mustered the most evil glare he had and shot it at me, “It’s not that easy when you’re drunk and so fucking stubborn,”

“Wait shut up, I think they’re here,” I said hushing him, whilst cowering into the shadows a bit more. We heard some footsteps come near the alleyway in which we were hiding in, but the men didn’t look any further than the mouth of the alley, before turning and leaving.

You must be wondering what we had done that had resulted in big, bulky, angry men chasing us. Well…

*Three hours ago*

I turned the television off. This wasn’t working! Watching movies and sitting in silence was not working. I just… ugh. I needed to get out of the house, before I went to hunt down Camilla the witch from the gutters. I’m sorry I meant gold and silver embedded gutters. That made virtually no sense! See I need a drink! That’s it. “Simon, grab the keys we’re going out,” he looked at me confused.

“I have work-” I gave him a glare. “Okay, grabbing keys,” he muttered getting up. I told him I wanted to go to the club so I went to go and get dressed out of my pyjama shorts. As you may have noticed, I’m not much of a girly girl… I have my moments, but I’m not that into dresses, which is why my attire included some shorts, sleeveless top and converse shoes.

After that it took us around twenty minutes to get to the club, and it was the same one I had gone to Cameron with. During the drive, we had music almost deafening us and in the club it wasn’t much different. I’m guessing Simon had guessed from my outfit where I wanted to go, plus, this was the only place I dragged my friends to when I was angry.

I looked at Simon, “I’m going to go and get a drink, want one?” he shook his head. Wise choice, because handling a drunk me… is not fun. Wait, I’m not a slutty drunk, aggressive drunk, or a slob when I’m drunk… I’m just… slightly mad. Madder than usual. Like crazy type of mad. Which is why after downing a couple of drinks, I was telling Simon to come on a journey to the rainbow with me to find leprechauns and unicorns on the way. “Come on Simon! We have to find the pot!” I screamed, whilst he repetitively banged his head on the table. I think he was getting a bit mad.

Someone had overheard us as they approached me after that. “Hey look, this girl wants some pot,” the bulky man said laughing. What was wrong with wanting to find the pot of skittles at the end of the rainbow!? Like is there something wrong with that? It is a serious matter and these assholes should not be laughing, unless they know where it is! I gasped aloud.

“Do you know where the pot is?!” Simon suddenly grabbed my arm.

“No, we don’t need any trouble, we were just going,” he said to the men and started to drag me away from the men.

“But Simon they might know where the pot is,”

He shook his head, “Look Charlie, they think you want some weed, and you don’t want some weed or any drugs for a matter of fact, so just, just shut up,” he sighed. I felt bad for dragging him into this. Maybe he needed to lighten up a bit, and I knew the perfect way to do it.

“Hey Mon-Mon-”

“Don’t call me that,”

I ignored him, “I’m going to go and get us drinks, you sit here okay? Don’t get lost.” I said, and stumbled up to the bartender.

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