Chapter Twenty

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Dedicated to my best friend irl cause she guessed what would happen to Katie.. hehe and dude I put in some real good Senny scenes for you ;) I think that's a decent enough ship name for them...

One Smile Please

Chapter Twenty:

***This chapter will have a lot of different POVs sorry about that...***

*Charlie's POV*

"No." I whispered. "No... no, no, no!"

"Charlie... Charlie, listen to me." He touched my shoulder but I shrugged his hand off.

"No you don't understand Fraser."

"Please just look at me," he pleaded, he grabbed for me again but I pulled away. "This isn't your fault."

"It is, it's all my fault. Everyone who's around me dies. My mum, my dad, Tyler... and now... if only I hadn't stopped to speak to her. If only I'd known..." my head was in my hands. I couldn't bear this. This time when Fraser grabbed my hand I didn't stop him. He didn't say anything and we just sat there. Unconsciously, he started tracing small circles on the back of my hand, and it was extremely soothing. It stopped me from breaking down.

"What am I going to tell Cece?" I ask holding back sobs. What if child services take her away because I'm not a good carer? What if I let her down?

"I don't know Charlie. I don't know."

*Cameron's POV*

After another half an hour I took Charlie home. I didn't go inside with her. She needed to be alone. I asked her if she wanted me to be there when she told Cece but she said she had to do it herself. I sat in my car on her driveway for a few minutes. Frustrated from the event of the past few days I ran my hands through my head.

First my father and now seeing Charlie this upset.

I banged my head against the edge of my steering wheel. Even though I had the money, I hated being driven around and having bodyguards around me. I felt trapped with so many people around me, which was why I drove myself around and rarely brought bodyguards anywhere.

Suddenly my eyes caught some movement from the bush next to the window of Charlie's house. Then I recalled how last night I had thought I'd seen someone there. Hastily getting out of my car I made my way to the bush, just as I get there I feel someone push me. I fall onto the concrete floor and it takes me a moment to realise what just happened. I collect myself and run after the person who is already down the road.

"Hey!" I run after him for a while. Who was that? Was that one of my father's men?! No...

I felt my phone buzz from my jean pocket.

Poor Katie... that could be your girlfriend next you know? - sent by unknown number

Rushing back to my car I get in and drive home. I had to break all connections with Charlie. I was almost sure my father had something to do with Katie's death. How would he know about her otherwise? Maybe I was jumping to conclusions but it was so plausible.

I couldn't put her or her friends in danger... even if I gave my father what he wanted... he would try to hurt me.

He was drunk. I looked away disgusted. When was he not drunk? I felt like leaving but I knew better.

"Where's your mother?!" he growled.

"She wasn't feeling well, so she's resting upstairs." I reply shortly.

"Tell that bitch to get up and make me some food," he slurred.

I looked at him in disbelief. "She's sleeping."

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