Chapter Nineteen

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One Smile Please

Chapter Nineteen:

Okay... Kick, walk. Kick and walk. I can do this without falling on my face and making a complete fool of myself. I stopped at the end of the stage. My hand made its way to my hip and a smile made its way to my face. My eyes scanned the crowd for the first time that night. Every person there looked like a pretentious douche.

Suddenly my eyes found some familiar ones.


What was he doing here? He saw me looking and gave me a smirk. It was like he knew something I didn't. I looked closer and saw the bags under his eyes. Whatever this ordeal was with his dad, it was beating him up pretty bad.

I return the smile before walking back down the catwalk. That was the last dress I had to wear for the night. It was the same dress if be wearing for the finale which was the only reason I had to be back up on stage. Backstage, Jenny was waiting for me.

"You did great!" she screeched and hauled me to the dressing room.

"Did you know Fraser was going to be here?" I asked with my brows furrowed. Jenny looked away guiltily. "Ugh, you invited him didn't you?!"

"I thought he would help!" I roll my eyes and look into the mirror. The dress I was wearing was white. It was absolutely stunning and I couldn't believe my friend had designed something like this. This dress was quite simple in terms of the bottom half but the neck piece was gorgeous, it was a sequenced triangle that tied around my neck and fell down to connect with the dress. The chest area of the dress was also amazing; it had sequenced laces bordering the top and the bottom. The dresses I wore earlier were also amazing. One was blue and it had a ruffle effect coming down. And the other one was a stunning red one which had sequences on the sides of the dress. They all looked amazing.

Right now, my hair had been curled but half of it was pinned up. I had more makeup on my face then I would ever wear. I looked nowhere near as pretty and gorgeous as the other models but I certainly didn't look like the hobo I usually looked like.

The makeup artist make scurrying in telling me she needed re-do my makeup. I let her do whatever she wanted.

After the show finally ended I was really tired. I went backstage but couldn't find Jenny. Please don't tell me she went to the after party. I groaned and leaned against the closest wall. My feet were killing me so I slid down against the wall and took the bloody shoes off.

"You were great up there." a voice muttered from above me. A voice I would recognise anywhere.

"I don't think so, but thanks." Fraser slid down the wall and was sitting next to me.

"You were. And did I mention you look absolutely breath-taking?" I smirked at his comment.

"Shut up!" I moaned as I elbowed him playfully. He rubbed his chest where I hit him.

"So abusive." he said as if he were the same age as Cece, which made me laugh softly. Before I even realised what I was doing my head was leaning against Fraser's shoulder. I was just so tired. My eyes started drooping slightly.

I think I heard Fraser say something along the lines of 'not again.' Then I felt one if his hand go to my back and the other under my knees as he lifted me up bridal style. That was the last thing I remembered.

The next morning I woke in someone's arms. Okay analyse the situation Charlie. What's the worst scenario? This was a murdered/kidnapper who had hugging problems. Best case scenario it? I was hugging a teddy bear I won from a fair I never went to...

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