Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine:

*Charlie's POV*

"Please wake up, Charlie. Please. I-I don't want to lose you like I lost mummy." The person sniffled. "Please?" Cece. My breath hitched and I tried opening my eyes and getting up to hug her, but I couldn't. I could feel her small body curled up beside mine, shaking. But I couldn't even get up to comfort her.

I tried again and this time my arm listened to my body as it curled around Cece. Then my eyes opened, trying to adjust to the lighting.

"Charlie?" Cece, asked getting up.

I smiled. "Hey baby, how've you been, and why the hell are you here?"

A massive grin broke out on her face as she hugged me tightly. "You're awake!"

"I am, but you still haven't answered my question." I say while trying to sit up. It didn't go well because there was a sharp pain in my stomach. Almost intolerable. But I didn't let it show in front of Cece. I hid my grimace with my smile.

"Oscar got a call from Jenny saying that you got hurt and we flew here in this massive aeroplane and they gave us so much food on it, but I couldn't eat any because I just wanted to see you and... And..."

"Woah, I'm fine, just got really tired which is why I was sleeping here sweetie. Nothing to worry about. Anyways, tell me how school has been? Have you been making friends?" Cece nodded excitedly and leapt into a massive description of all of her new friends. I sat there engrossed with everything she said, I hadn't realised how much I'd missed her. After about ten minutes of listening to Cece talk animatedly about everything and anything, Oscar walked in. And it wouldn't have been Oscar if when he saw me sitting, holding Cece, he hadn't tripped on his own feet.

Cece giggled, "Oscar look Charlie's awake!"

Oscar had bags under his eyes and looked like a bit of a wreck. But despite everything he smiled a genuine smile which reached the depth of his eyes. "I told you she would. She's tougher than she looks."

"I know!" Cece replied excitedly. She bounced off the bed, accidentally knocking my side on the way, and then she turned, "I'm going to go and tell everybody! Oscar, take care of Charlie okay, if anything happens, I'm never talking to you ever again!" As she left, Oscar smiled, but it turned into a frown as he looked back at me.

"You shouldn't be sitting up Charlie."

"I'm fine." I tell him, grinning. It was good to see him. "How have you been MrClumsy?" I ask stealing Cece's nickname for him.

He groans whilst taking a seat and putting down the coffee that he was holding.

"Please don't say that in front of Cece, it took me a while to get her to stop calling me that." I laughed, but it hurt so I ended up grimacing. Oscar gave me a look, a parent gives their child when they're about to tell them off.

"Okay, I'll lay down, Jesus Christ. You definitely have that parent look down." I whine, but slide down, with the help of Oscar of course.

He beams at me, "I know right. You do not know how many times I practised it in the mirror."

I wanted to laugh again... But I settled for a smile. "You're such a weirdo. Anyways how have things been with Cece?"

He sighed, "Hard, but worth it. I didn't realise what I was missing without her you know?" I nod. And there was a silence between us for a while. Before either of us could say anything else, we heard Jenny.

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