Chapter Twenty One

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One Smile Please

Chapter Twenty One:

*Charlie's POV*

"Can I sleep with you again?" she whispers. "I just had another nightmare... I thought they had stopped but..." I nodded being careful not to let much emotion show.

"Of course sweetie." I replied scooting over. I didn't fall asleep that night. I couldn't fall asleep.

It had been a week since the hospital scene and I still didn't have the guts to say anything to Cece. My own nightmares had returned... that was for when I fell asleep. Lately I was being drowned due to exhaustion. I was out running for an hour every morning at five and when I got a blink of sleep I'd wake up drenched in my own sweat just a few hours later.

Jenny had caught on but hadn't commented on it much because she knew I needed the space. I'm not sure she caught on to why I was behaving the way I was because I hadn't told her but she she definitely knew my nightmares had returned. Though this time they were of my parents.

I tried everything from reading a book -which I honestly thought would help but unfortunately it didn't- to jogging until my muscles screamed in agony. Nothing would make the nightmares go away. And now... I'm sure somehow I triggered Cece's nightmares.

Then there was Fraser... he was blocking me out completely. In the office whenever I'd talk to him he would just grunt a 'yes' or a 'no'. He wouldn't reply to my texts or my calls. When I asked him to have lunch with me he'd say he was 'too busy'. It hurt. I mean I don't like him or anything but he is... I mean was a friend. No matter how much I tried to deny it... him just being there had helped me in more ways than I knew. And over the past couple of days he hadn't even been in the office. I missed him. I missed him a lot.

The sun rolled in and I fell out of my bed. Literally. But I made sure not to wake Cece. Heading to the shower I grabbed a towel and a pair if jogging shorts along with a vest top. After having a quick shower, brush in my teeth and putting on my change of clothes I headed out. It was only five.

During my jog I felt as if my head would explode. I felt so dizzy but I carried on. Because of this, I did cut my run a bit short and got home in an hour. At the house I had another shower because of how sweaty I was and then started to get ready for work.

As I ran downstairs I saw Simon in the kitchen. He looked up at me a sighed.

"Sit." he orders. I don't have the energy to disobey so I oblige and plop down in front of him. He studied my face and then sighed again. "You've been having nightmare again." he stated in realisation, he looked sad about it. "Why?" I don't reply. "Come on Charlie... I can't help if you won't let me." I frown trying to prevent the waterfall that's about to start. "I'm here for you... you know that right? And so is Jen." I gulped and nodded then I looked down at my hands.

"Cece's mother... Katie..." I whisper. Simon looks a bit confused until he realises although before he can say anything we're interrupted.

"What about my mummy?" Cece asks. "Are we going to meet her?" her whole face lights up. I pressed my lips together. I can't do this. I can't tell her. My head snaps towards Simon in fear and I subtly shake my head. "Hey Charlie can you do my hair please, I want to look nice like last time... can we also get some flowers? Mummy loved flowers!" she squeals in excitement. That's when I can't take it, so I get up and run to my car and then I speed to the office.

At the office I can't concentrate. My job is to be the companies photographer, at first I didn't know how everything would work out because it was a company and they didn't really need a photographer but I am in charge of a new weekly magazine the company has decided to invest in and also remember the wedding company run by Mr Anderson..I'm the official photographer for every wedding for that.

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