Chapter Twelve

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One Smile Please

Chapter Twelve:

It was Monday.

I had an interview today.

I also had dinner.

And I had a friend to interrogate.

Jenny, she hadn't been home since that Thursday Fraser had found me spying on her. She would just call home to tell me she was staying with her new boyfriend, but I was really worried, because something about her had seen off lately, she'd barely be home... and when she was she would be too quiet. And when Jenny is quiet... it means something is definitely wrong.

Plus this new 'boyfriend' seemed fishy... I mean I haven't even met the guy, sometimes Jenny's judgement can be extremely poor, which is why I am even more worried. Another thing that bothered me was that in the beginning she was always talking about him, how he was 'the one,' but now... whenever I'm around her, she's silent and sometimes I feel like she's ignoring me.

And by the way, when I say poor judgement, I mean really poor judgement. She's dated from geeks to jocks. Once she dated a guy who had no respect for self-hygiene... he was... he was something. I think he may have even chest bumped Jenny one time... bless her soul.

Anyways, I was merely curious on Thursday which is why when Jenny left that day, I followed. And there was nothing out of the ordinary at the house; I mean nothing that I had seen.

The gun was loaded, and I slowly made my way into her room. I heard Jenny come in yesterday, and I was way too comfortable in my bed to get up and check on her... don't judge, I mean come on, you know how hard it is to find a perfect comfortable position to sleep in, right?! But now, I was prepared to interrogate this bitch.

I motioned for Simon to move in, he had come over early this morning for some food, seriously sometimes I wonder if he even buys any food for his house. After explaining to Simon about this so called boyfriend, we came up with a plan, well two plans. I'm extremely glad we went with my plan, because Simon's plan may have classified us as murderers or bombers.

Simon nodded, whilst putting his gun out in front of him, ready to aim, as I grabbed the door handle with one hand. I twisted the cold metal, and heard a click as the door creaked open.

"Don't you guys knock?" Jenny asked, but before she could say anything else, we started to fire. She jumped off from where she was sitting, at her desk and took cover under her duvet. Big mistake. "I'm going to kill you guys!" Odd thing was that she was wearing a long sleeved shirt, a shirt she once told me she despised. She generally hated long sleeved shirts...

"You have the right to remain silent, every-"

Jenny lets out an aggravated groan, and then shrieks as more water hits her. "Shut up Simon, you're not the cops,"

"Oh, but I have a gun,"

"It's a water gun, you idiot- ah, stop it! Oh my god guys stop it!" Simultaneously both me and Simon let out evil laughs.

"Never call a guy holding a gun an idiot," Simon sprays more water over Jenny, but this time she throws her pillows at us.

"Well, never point a water gun at a woman who is likely to murder you!" Jenny marches towards us, just as we both turn and run out of her room. I let out a laugh and run to the kitchen. I swear this mission had more of a point than just a water fight... And the house will be extremely wet after this tirade, but ah heck.

Simon seemed to have a similar idea to me as he was already in the kitchen as I ran in, and he was armed, with a bag of flour. I'm guessing he assumed I was Jenny, because in the next second that bag of flour was all over me.

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