Chapter Eleven

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One Smile Please

Chapter Eleven:

*Cameron's POV*

They cancelled. Well, I guess we couldn't expect any more from that company. I closed my laptop silently and picked up my phone just as someone barged into my room. Brad.

"What do you want?" I questioned. Brad was one of my closest friends; I'd known him since I was a kid. But then when I was around fourteen, me and my mum had to move away. We did stay in touch for a few years but after that we lost contact and this idiot just recently moved here coincidently to work for my uncle. When I saw him at my house the day before my party, to say I was shocked would be a bit of an understatement, however when Brad saw me, he walked up to me and punched me which I guess on his part was acceptable, as I had not made any attempt to contact him when my mother died, and my mother meant a lot to Brad too when we were younger. Although after that, we caught up and were almost as close as we'd been before.

"You know exactly what I want,"

"Dude, I'm sorry... but I don't roll that way," I said with a small smirk. I don't know what was wrong with me, I mean a few months ago, I wouldn't have reacted like this. Or commented like that. Maybe a few years ago...

"You're cracking jokes, progress," Brad whooped, whilst I just rolled my eyes at him. "You're almost acting like you used to ten years ago," this time he laughed. When he was done, he got serious again, "Anyways spill, how was lunch?"

I almost laughed at my friend, "What are you? A hormonal teenage girl?"

"I don't care right now, did you take her to that restaurant I suggested? Did you open the doors for her? Did you guys kiss? Did you ask her out for dinner?!" That settles it, he's either gay, or a teenage girl.

"No, no, no and kind of," I said ordering his questions in chronological order. If you haven't guessed, it was Brad who forced me to take Charlie out for lunch. Not that I'm complaining.

"What? Why?" he asked nearly shouting.

"Dude, I'm seriously doubting your masculinity," I say, whilst he gets off my bed and walks over to where I'm sitting, at my desk.

"Oh my god Cameron, like you have to give me all the fucking deets! If you don't than bitch you can totally get the hell out of heyah!" I couldn't help it, I cracked up. The high pitched squeaky voice, the hand flailing. It felt like I hadn't laughed like that for years.

Before I could say anything, someone walked in, my uncle. And he seemed extremely shocked. Pete wasn't actually my uncle, he was a friend of my mum's and he took us in when we most needed it, and I could never thank him enough for that and because of that, I'd just always referred to him as my uncle. The media called me his son sometimes, and to be honest I wouldn't have minded if that were true.

"I cannot believe my eyes, Cameron, pinch your old man, I think I might be hallucinating," he said, slightly dazed. To be honest, he wasn't that old.

"Nope Pete this is real, I did the undoable, I made Cameron Fraser laugh," Brad piped in jokingly, "I think I deserve a raise for that,"

"A raise? Son, you can have my property for that," I rolled my eyes, I still found it quite amusing how these two got on so well.

"It's no big deal," I said with a gruff, and busied myself with my phone. I heard the two of them chuckle. It's not like I've never laughed.

"Anyways, before I forget, Cameron did you ask Charlotte about the offer?" I nodded. "Good, I cannot wait to have her working for us, she has some real potential, that girl does," my uncle murmured, and personally I couldn't help but agree. After a little while my uncle left, and I was again left with Brad.

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