Chapter Twenty Four

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One Smile Please

Chapter Twenty Four:

"So... witch or ghost?" I ask Cece as we enter yet another clothes shop. We'd narrowed her choice down to two things now from about twenty, after looking at a few of the other shops.

"Witch..." she thinks about it for a second. "No ghost! Yeah I can be a ghost for Halloween and run after people." Cece giggles. I laugh along with her.

I scan the shop and start leading us towards where the costumes would be, "Whatever you want sweetie,"

It had been three days since me and Simon had met Oscar. We had spoken to him a few times since then, and he had permitted us to stay with Cece until Halloween because he said the paperwork would take up to around then. He also said that in that course he would like to be introduced to Cece because he hadn't really met her before. From the way he was speaking it was obvious he was nervous. We agreed of course and today after finishing off the shopping, I was going to introduce both of them to each other.

I think about what Cece said for a minute. "So do you want to go back to that other store? The one in which you really liked the ghost costume, but you didn't know if you wanted to be a ghost then..." She had literally fallen in love with it. But at that moment she was determined on finding a cat costume. Kids.

"No, let's look in here first!" I oblige and start looking around with her. After around another hour, we're in the changing rooms.

"Are you sure, it's this one?" Cece nods excitedly.

"Yup, it's perfect." She grins excessively.

I laugh, "If you say so, but you better not change your mind when we get home." I warn, not really meaning it. Cece giggles giddily and clutches her costume tighter. She looked absolutely adorable in it.

Cece had settled for being Alice from Alice in Wonderland, the costume we got was cute and looked amazing on her.

The costume consisted of a light blue dress that had a checkered black and white hem. There was a cute little apron that went over it and she had decided that she wanted to but a pair of stripy black and white tights because it would be a little chilly.

Cece started to run towards the till with her costume in her hands. "Careful!" I shouted after her but it was too late. She ran into someone causing the both of them to fall. I rush over as fast as I can.

"Cece are you okay?" Cece nods shyly. "Okay... Now apologise to the nice woman."

"Sorry." She says meekly and then proceeds to hide behind me. She holds my leg in a death grip which tells me straight away that she's scared. I reach back and offer her my hand. Cece accepts it and I feel her small, cold hand clutch mine.

I look up to the person who's still dusting themselves off. "Hey sorry about that."

"No, no it's fine." the woman looks up. And that's when I realise who it is.

"Lexi?! What are you doing here?"

"Uhm... hiding actually..."

I furrow my eyebrows but let out a short laugh, "From what?"

"From Cameron... he's going to make me test for more cake and I just can't handle it anymore. My teeth hurt because of how sweet that crap was!" she exclaims while holding her cheeks.

"Cameron's here?" I still hadn't spoken to him... and I would never say this out loud... but I kind of missed the sucker. I kind of missed his little sneaky smiles. I missed the fact that he was so unresponsive that I could literally say anything and for as long as I want and all he'd reply with is "Do you ever shut up?" I missed the fact that he was always... just there.

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