Chapter Thirty One

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One Smile Please

Chapter Thirty One:

It was an hour into the party and everyone was having a blast. Minus me. I was on my own and had nothing to distract me from my thoughts. I missed Cece a lot and couldn't wait till I got home so I could Skype her. She was going to start school as well in a couple of days. I wanted to know if she had gotten her uniform and if she had I wanted to see how cute she looked in it.

The amount I wanted to leave the party was ridiculous. I wanted to leave before Cam- Fraser and Lexi made their grand entrance. I didn't see Fraser after the thing that happened in the back room, but the workers were talking about how he'd have gone home to change and come back with Lexi.

What also confused me was the manner in which Fraser would behave with me. I mean he was getting married to someone else but then he'd say things... That just didn't make sense. Like how he asked me not to leave. Maybe I was thinking too much into it. Maybe I wanted there to be a reason so I was just making one.

My thought trail came to a halt as everyone around me silenced. And there they were. Cameron Fraser and Alexis Stone. Looking really, really wrong next to each other. Yup they looked like someone had put non complimentary colours together. Like blue and... Yellow? Yeah and when they were together they made puke green. That's how bad they looked together...

Okay, who the hell was I kidding? They looked great. They even matched. Lexi was wearing an amazing emerald coloured dress and Fraser was wearing the same coloured tie, with a white shirt underneath a black blazer. He looked handsome. Not even going to try and lie about that one.

Something churned in my stomach as I saw them walking in. And trust me, it wasn't butterflies.

The way that Lexi was clinging onto Fraser's arm. The way she was looking up at him and smiling. As if there was no one else in the world who could make her smile like that. Like she was in love. It was plain as day how much she loved him. And it had only come to my notice now.

We'll of course they love each other, otherwise they wouldn't be getting married now would they?

Shut up brain. I looked at Fraser. He wasn't looking back at Lexi in the same manner, in fact his eyes were scanning the room. The way that Fraser was holding himself around Lexi gave of the vibe of friendliness, but nothing more. I mean even though Lexi had her arm laced through Fraser's. There was a respectable distance between them. But that might be because they didn't like PDA.

Ugh I was over analysing this. I needed to stop before I permanently damaged my brain.

I slide towards the bar, and get myself a quick drink. I'd need it to get through this evening. Another twenty minutes passed by and everyone was settled at a table, digging into their freshly served meals. I glanced over to Fraser's table and almost dropped my camera when I saw that Fraser was feeding Lexi.

What was she? Two years old and incapable to use her fucking hands? I gritted my teeth and turned around.

"Give me another drink please." I say to the bartender.

He obliges but raises an eyebrow, "not that it's my business, but why do you look like you're going to murder someone?"

"You're right its not any of your business, so please just give me the drink, yes?" I snap at the guy.

He smiles. "So who's the guy?" How did he know it was a guy?

"You know what keep your drink," with that I walk away. This was a stupid party. Stupid, stupid party. I take a deep breath. I needed to calm down, even a bartender could tell that I was pissed.

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