Chapter twenty two

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My face was burning hot with anger and jealousy. She said he was her boyfriend. Well, guess what? I am his wife. But you need not know about that.

I took one long hard staring look at Ryan as I caught his attention. He looked like a poor soul wanting to run away from me.

" Um," he cleared his voice. " Sorry guys, Amelia didn't mean it like that. We are not dating. Just close friends " he spoke more to me than the others like he wanted to clear the air.

But I didn't fail to notice the fall of a smile on Amelia's face. She may not show her disappointment but it was evident.

To avoid the awkward situation Shane was the one to speak first. " Ok let's go. I am excited to watch the new movie."

Everyone started to walk inside and guess what? I was the only one who was left without a partner. Shane and Nikki, Adam and Kate, finally miss Princess Amelia and her escort Ryan. I was the only one left out. Can this day get any better?

I just followed them all like a puppy as they entered and left stores trying on clothes. I kept my mouth shut for most of the time.

Kate, Nikki, and Amelia were trying on clothes and Adam and Shane were discussing the Soccer game. I felt lonely even though Nikki and Kate checked on me once in a while. Something inside me was not allowing me to enjoy myself and I very well knew the reason behind it. I left the store to get some air as I leaned on the railing overlooking the center of the mall. People were busy talking, laughing, and eating, something I could not enjoy right now.

A voice echoed from my right from the one sole reason for my loneliness.

"Mia" his voice was calm and serene.

I didn't reply to him back. What was I gonna tell him? Hey, remember your wife before you planned to go around with your not-so-true girlfriend.

"Mia talk to me. Mia, she told me that we were going shopping. I didn't know we would meet like this or that she would introduce me as her boyfriend. I swear I don't have feelings for her" he looked so sorry.

" Ryan you don't have to explain yourself to me. " I replied drained from all the drama.

" Mia. I am sorry. Look I can go away right now saying some excuse if it bothers you that much. "

I looked back at him. His face was pale.

" It's okay Ryan. You don't have to do anything. It's not you. It's me. It's getting unbearable to see your husband with someone else. I feel like it's ripping my insides apart. I guess I just have to deal with my feelings."

Ryan looked surprised. He was about to open his mouth as our gang made their appearance. Amelia tugged Ryan's hand as she pulled him apart from me. " Baby I am really hungry. Let's go eat " She eagerly dragged him away.

He left speechless.

It was movie time. The seating arrangements were pretty much predictable. There was only one seat left next to Ryan. I sat on the seat without making a fuzz.

It was a rom-com movie.

As time went on I could not control my sight as I took glances at Ryan and Amelia. Amelia was trying to throw half her body on Ryan. Ryan adjusted his body to get rid of the weight that was pressing on him. Finally, she bought that he was uncomfortable and moved away by only keeping her hand crossed to his hand.

The movie started. My eyes trailed to the hands that were interlocked and my mind only screamed at me to pull them apart.

Ryan acted like he sensed my emotions and carefully pulled his hand away from Amelia.

My face formed a small smile at the corner of my lips. I rested my hands peacefully on the arm of the chair between me and Ryan.

Something softly touched my hand and I felt electric shocks sparking in my body. Ryan was slowly sliding his hand above mine as he gently squeezed them. I turned my head shocked at what he was doing but he did not see me and only focused on the screen in front of us.

He started drawing circles at the back of my hand.

His hand was holding mine for most of the movie. When the movie was almost near the end and the actors had their final kisses, Ryan was closer to me as his breath tickled my skin. He whispered the words only I could hear. " I wish that was us someday," he said pointing to the kissing scene playing on the screen.

My face started to form all shades of red. Finally, I knew what he thought about me. Ryan was not the guy to merely flirt around. He always meant what he said. And as the lights went on we separated our hands before anyone could suspect us.

The food counter was buzzing with a crowd of people. Nikki and Amelia sat at our table while the others left to buy some food. Nikki was busy with her Instagram.

Amelia spoke to me for the first time.
" Mia, have you known Ryan for a long time like really good friends.?"

" Not much. Why do you ask?" I asked her back curiously.

" I saw you both standing outside the store and having a heated conversation".

Now Nikki became attentive as she looked up from her phone and gave me a look like 'What's happening!?'

" That's nothing. We were just talking about ..uh.. .....You. He told me that you are his best friend" I somehow managed her doubt-filled questions.

" Oh " was her only reply. "I always thought there was more to us than just friendship. I like him a lot and I want to date him for some time. But he always misunderstood everything for a good friendship. What do you think I should do about it?"

Me and Nikki just stared blankly back and forth between each other. I knew Nikki would not say anything because she knew about my crush on him. Both the heads turned to me as I started to form the words.

" I think you should move on. Find someone else "My mouth moved the words with ease.

" But why? " she reasoned.

" It's useless to wait for someone who is not interested in you." I convinced her.

" But you don't know that. Not until I have tried. I am gonna ask him out" she concluded.

I replied confidently," Don't waste your time. He is gonna say no"

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