Chapter twenty nine

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" What !?" He shouted back.

I stood with folded hands in front of him as confidently and tall as I could. His face showed so much disbelief as he looked at me like I had grown two giant heads.

" Mia, are you kidding me?"

"Come on Ryan. Drop the act. I know all about your little secret love messages. Just accept your defeat" I stood there with the most certainty.

" Mia, I am already fed up with all this drama. Please don't start another one." He walked past me and left the house in annoyance.

That was strange and weird I thought to myself.

Ryan did not return for most of the day. It was already evening and he was testing my patience.

To get my mind off things I planned to take a walk in the neighborhood. I wore a light blue floral dress that reached my knees. I closed my room and went downstairs to go for a walk.

The evening was quiet and the lights of the sun had started to say goodbye. I hugged myself tightly as the cool evening breeze slightly grazed my skin. The houses around me were all fancy and sophisticated. People here really had a lot of money.

I lost count of time as I kept walking further away from Ryan's house. I wanted to clear my head.

Just then one familiar figure caught my eye. He was leaning on a BMW car parked in front of a well-furnished house that was a little smaller compared to Ryan's.

It was Cole.

He was not alone as two other boys from my school were standing with him. One guy was Jason who was in the same grade as me. People call him 'Jay'. The other person was Zack, the captain of the basketball team. I knew that they both went to my school but I am not much acquainted with them.

As I walked closer to them, Jay was the first one to notice me as he straightened himself to stand properly from his leaning posture and nudged Zack with his elbow to look my way. Once Zack saw me, his face turned a little sad.

What the hell!?

Cole followed their gaze as he looked my way as well.

All three guys looked serious like they were planning someone's murder.

I just wanted to talk to Cole to tell him that I know Ryan is my secret admirer.

" Hey," I waved at Cole. However, I was not greeted with the same amount of willingness. He looked angry and betrayed.

"What are you doing here Mia ?". His words misplaced all the usual cheerfulness they had.

Zack was about to turn around and go inside the house when Jay pulled his arm and told him to stay.

What the hell is wrong with all of them?

Finally, Cole felt the need to open his mouth. " Mia, I never thought that you of all people would do something like this." He was almost shouting.

"What did I......." Before I could finish my words, I heard a loud honk from behind me. A car was coming towards me at full speed as it lost control of the track of the road.

My whole life flashed before me as I was sure I was going to die.

But before any harm could touch me, a strong set of hands pulled me away as I lost my balance and fell to my side, and continued to roll away with the boy who saved my life.


The car hit a tree with a loud thrashing sound and came to a still.

My ears were filled with a ringing sound as I adjusted my blurry vision to the boy calling out my name in a panic-struck voice.

" Mia, wake up. Mia are you alright" he continued calling out as he tried to support my body from the ground.

After getting oriented to my surroundings, I found the three boys kneeling in front of me with an anxious expression.

I rubbed the painful spot on my forehead as blood dripped along my hands.

Zack immediately brought a piece of tissue from his car and pressed it tightly to the bleeding spot.

The driver of the now broken car, a middle-aged man apologized profusely for his careless speedy driving.

Zack was almost too furious as he held the collar of the driver's shirt but Jay calmed him down and told the driver to leave at once.

Zack gently lifted me from the ground bridal style and walked towards the entrance of the house.

He gently placed me on the couch. The house was massive and had long curtains and gold-tinged lights that adorned the hall.

Zack sat beside me on the couch as he opened the first aid kit and started to tend to my wounds.

" Ahh..." I cried as Zack pressed the antiseptic on the wound. He finally applied a plaster on them.

" I don't think you need anything else. Just keep the cut clean and dry. You will heal in no time" he replied dryly.

His voice was so masculine and seductive. He looked handsome with his sharp features as I took a closer look at his face.

" Thank you so much, Zack. I owe you big time." I genuinely paid my gratitude.

He only smirked and suddenly his face was all pale again.

" I think it's time for me to leave," I said as I got ready to leave them.

" No. Just sit for a while. Don't strain yourself . I will drop you later". Cole rushed to answer.

I obliged because even I was in no mood to walk all the way home with this aching head.

As minutes passed, it was so awkward and silent and no one spoke a word. Jay sat in a corner fidgeting with his cell phone. Cole was watching a football match on the TV. Zack went into the kitchen and brought a sandwich for me to eat.

I silently ate the sandwich as my stomach was grumbling in hunger.

Out of the blue Cole asked the one question that had been itching him for a long time.

" Mia, why did you cheat on your lover boy?"

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