Chapter thirty nine.

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Amelias pov

My eyes were closed but I could not conquer sleep. Zack's body was warm and comfortable against my skin but my insides were still in doubt about pushing him too hard before he was ready.

Zack was still awake. He didn't close his eyes and he was still thinking. The wound created by Mia was still new in his heart. But I wanted to remove it, all of it. I wanted him to feel about me that way.

Zack didn't realize that I still looked at him from my position.

" Zack" I slowly called his name.

He just replied with a humming sound still not looking at me.

" I don't want to push you too hard before you are ready. Speak to me, Zack. I love you"
I spoke with so much determination.

Now he looked at me.

Without my knowledge, a tear slipped from my eye as a sensation of fear filled me. Fear that he will think I am desperate for his attention. Fear that I will be rejected. Fear that I will not feel his love for me like he did for Mia.

Tears kept rolling slowly from my eyes.

His free hand moved to wipe them away as he pulled me closer to him.

" You are gorgeous, cute and funny. You have had so many boys from our school, even from other schools fall at your feet for your attention. Then why me? Why the sudden interest? You know what happened between Mia and me. I am still not over everything."

" It's what you had for Mia, that dragged me closer towards you. I want the same love you had for her. All my life everything has been fake. Mom and Dad never spent any time with me. People were my friends only for my money and popularity. Boys wanted to date me only because they thought I was hot. I thought Ryan was different but even that changed. No one saw me for who I am. But what you had for Mia was something I have never seen in any guy. Something so precious." I completed.

Zack sighed heavily.

" What if it takes a long time for me to get over Mia?  What happens if I cannot provide the same love to you as I did for her? I don't know when I will be ready. " he breathed out.

" I will wait. I will wait as long as it takes. I am willing to do anything for you if you are willing to change for me." I spoke truly.

"You can get hurt in the process."

" What kind of hurt?" I asked confused.

"It can take a long time to express myself and get back on track with you." His voice was painful.

" Like I said, I am ready to wait. See the position we are in now. I am lying on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. This is progress for me. Baby steps. One at a time." I smiled content.

He smiled too.

"You said you loved me. Don't you think it's too early for that? I am not scared. But don't you think it's a big step to confess your love?" He asked.

"It's not too early if it's the right guy. Like I said, I saw how you can love a person so deeply. It's not out of sympathy. It's just a long year of longing to have that love for me. You have every right to walk away from me and I will always respect your decisions. But I cannot let myself live peacefully without trying. Either I tried and we got together at the end or I tried, and you rejected me and I can move on knowing I will not have you."

" You are something else, Amelia. Behind all that queen bee facade, you are a different person. I saw that today."

I raised my head from his chest at the mention of the word 'queen bee' to directly look at him.

" You think I am queen bee" I asked in all seriousness.

He laughed." Not just me, everyone in school does"

" Oh great." I lay back.

" Don't worry. The real Amelia is safe with me and I starting to like these night talks with her".

" I am happy that you are beginning to like at least something in me."

His green eyes pierced my vision.

" Thanks for showing this hidden part of you to me. The shy, naive girl behind the tough looking confident person."

He moved forward and kissed my forehead.

" I think it's a great start" he spoke softly.

My eyes drifted from his eyes to his lips with this proximity. But I am not going to do anything before he is ready.

As if sensing my thoughts, he pulled me closer for a hug and whispered,
"Someday it will happen" and I instantly knew he meant our kiss.

This was too much of an improvement for me.

And with the most satisfied smile, I drifted into a comfortable slumber.

The sounds of raindrops slowly woke me. I opened my eyes to the chest of the handsome guy hugging me. He was peacefully still sleeping.

It was still early for everyone to wake up. The morning, faded orange lights hit his face as I examined his facial features. His jawline was broad and sharp. Having a closer look ignited my want for more of him.

My lips curled up into a happy smile looking at him first thing in the morning. I never thought one small note could bring us together like this.

I kissed him on the cheek and moments later Zack sleepily opened his eyes half the way.

He smiled back once he saw my happy face.

"Good morning gorgeous," he said as he kissed my forehead. " What time is it?" He asked through his sleepy voice.

" It's too early. Maybe 6"

He groaned and pulled me closer to him. " Then let's just go back to sleep".

I laughed.

" Zack, can we keep this a secret from everyone ?"

He opened his eyes fully to look at me.

" It's just that, we have just started it. I don't want everyone to flood us with questions or have expectations for us."I explained.

" Sure. If that's what you want." he smiled back.

Just then there was a soft knock on the door. Who is up so early in the morning? I immediately got up from bed and straightened myself.

Ryan came in.

" We just now heard that schools are closed for today and the roads are blocked. So guess you will have to stay here tonight too. Mia is up. You can come down if you want" he said and left.

I glimpsed at Zack with a smiling face.

Another night with Zack. My prayers have been answered.

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