Chapter Six

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"Adam, how did you get this? Do you know who he is? " I asked him surprised as he held the notes.

"No Mia. Your secret admirer has dropped these notes into my locker. And the most unbelievable part is, I got a note too" he spoke.

"What!  What do you mean you got a note? " I asked alarmed.

" Jeez relax Mia. It's not a love note." he read out his note.

'Adam ,
      I know you are trying to find who I am. But I need you to know that I love her. I am not playing any jokes on her. I am very much serious. I have been in love with her for almost a year now. But I cannot show myself for various reasons. I will meet you guys soon. Till then take care of my princess like you always do.'

"I hope he is a good guy " Adam declared.

" Me too. " I sighed.

" No time to chit-chat. Open yours" he persuaded.


'Hey, princess,
     I am so proud of you for trying to trace me out with Adam. But you gotta try harder baby. Good luck.
* wink* - Secret admirer. '

I grumbled in frustration. How does he even know me so much. He is smarter than I thought.

" He reads you like an open book Mia. Not helping our case ".

"I know. I know . Let's just follow the list. We can catch him. And I also found that Shane likes Nikki. So he is out of the picture. "

"Who's next? "

Just then someone cleared their throat from behind us. "Are you both hiding something from me? ". We both jumped to the sound of a very angry looking Kate.

Adam was quick to cover. " No baby. We were just talking about stuff " he spoke clearing the lump in his throat.

Obviously Kate did not buy it. "Something is up with you guys . Adam, you twitch your eyes when you lie and you seem to do that a lot lately. It's not helping the hide. You guys talk alone a lot like you both are concealing something big. Now spill it. "
"Baby, you don't have to worry about anything. Mia is having some problems and I am just helping her out. "

"Fine.  I hope you are telling me the truth. If I catch you guys doing something fishy, Adam you know what happens" She gives him the ' I will kill you ' stare.

Adam doesn't seem to move a muscle. I can say he is terrified of Kate. He just hugs her, ensuring her that everything is alright.

I take this as my cue to leave.

As I walk forward, I bump into a hard chest. I wanted to apologize so I looked up only to see my one true crush.


His mesmerizing eyes have all the power to hold my world still. I couldn't move my lips to say sorry. It was like they were stuck in place unable to comprehend a proper word.  When I finally decided to open my mouth, he destroyed my world.

" What are looking at? Get out of my way. Piss off. Stupid girl and her stupid face. Why do they even let people like you in school? " he spoke annoyed.

With those last heartbreaking words, he shoved me away.

I blinked twice and thrice, unable to believe what he spoke out. Did he just do it to my face? Unbelievable.


I imagined him to be more polite. I guess I assumed the wrong things about him. I turned back and looked at his retreating figure, smiling and laughing with his friends with no care in the world.

"Now I think you know your place Mia." Queen Bee made her existence known. I turned around to see Stella in all her pride showing most of her body parts ."  Don't think I never noticed the silly little crush of yours. I know you had your eye on him for a long time. Don't you dare try to make a move because he will be mine now and forever. Get it through that thick skull of yours. If you try to do otherwise, you will be sorry that you were born. Stay away from my boyfriend" With that she stomped away.

Can this day get any better? But I didn't understand why Ryan showed so much hatred towards me. What's his damn problem?

The rest of the day went by as usual.

At night I couldn't sleep properly. My mind was occupied with Ryan and his attitude towards me. What did I do to deserve such a cold treatment? This may even be the first time I talked to him.

Maybe it's a good thing that my secret admirer came into my life. I can't keep hanging on to one guy for a long time. I need to let go of this stupid crush and give him a chance.

Somewhere in my heart, I know I am falling for his notes.

With that thought in mind, I drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

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