Chapter twenty five

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" No, You are not. Stop bluffing." Amelia yelled from our side.

" No one asked your opinion boyfriend stealer" Stella was now in a heated argument with Amelia.

Ryan stood speechless. Everything that happened was unbelievable. I knew very well that Ryan was not the father. It's been two months since our wedding. After our wedding, he spent most of the weekends with me and weekdays at his house. He never attended any parties.

Ryan looked restless and fed up with all her drama." Stella for the last time, I don't like you and it was not me. You must have misunderstood who knocked you up" he replied cautiously making every word clear.

" That's not true. You made love to me that day" She was almost on the verge of crying.

" Oh really. Last time I checked he wanted you to stay away from him stalker Stella. Care to inform us when and where he slept with you? " Amelia asked back.

" He knocked me up at Shane's party that happened two months ago. And now I am two months pregnant. He is my baby daddy" she responded so confidently.

Shane's party was the party of the year. That's the party where I made Nikki go on a date with Shane. That was also the day me and Ryan got married. But the way Stella spoke felt like she was speaking her heart out like it was the whole truth.

" What's your proof?" This time it was not Amelia but me who threw the question at Stella.

Every head and body turned towards me with shock and surprise. Ryan signalled me to keep quiet but I knew that I had to speak up for us.

" You good for nothing nerd. How dare you question me? " Stella retaliated back. Her nose was red with anger.

" You are lying. Ryan never attended that party because Ryan was with me in New York" I voiced the truth.

Gasps and gossip filled the air. People started pointing fingers at me unable to believe the piece of information I gave them.

" How dare you,? He is my boyfriend and why would he spend time with you in New York.? Maybe it was your delusion.  I can prove his presence at the party. " Stella took her phone out and sent a text message to everyone that contained a picture of a boy hugging Stella at Shane's party. Only the back side of the boy was visible but what shook me was the number on his jersey. It was Ryan's jersey number.

Nikki pulled my arms to make me face her
" Mia what the hell are you talking about ?. Are you imagining things? You never told us that you went to New York with Ryan".

" I am sorry Nikki but there are many things I never told you. Please I need you to understand me and support me" I said with pleading eyes.

Amelia was immediately by my side ." I always felt that something was wrong with you but I never imagined you would be this psychotic. Ryan would never go for a girl like you. " She spitefully cursed me.

" Enough Amelia. That's your limit. " Nikki extended some timely help.

" Isn't this proof enough? Hey nerdy now where's your proof? " Stella raised her voice at me interfering with our conversation.

I only did what I wanted to do. I straight up walked to our cafe's big screen projector and connected my phone through Bluetooth.

Before trying to display my evidence of our marriage pictures I took one last look at Ryan. His face was pale as he shook his head showing his opposition to my idea while mouthing a silent 'no'.

" I am sorry Ryan but I have to do this," I told him.

Everyone present in the cafe including my friends looked at us both back and forth not understanding what was happening.

He let out his frustration by giving me a stern look with his hands on his hips.

I knew it was too late to back out now. Only one thing struck my mind. There was a high chance that my secret admirer was present in this room too. Hope he understands me.

I chose a picture where me and Ryan were smiling while flaunting our rings at the camera during our wedding with the date printed on them.

I projected the picture on the screen.

Soon after the pic came up on screen the cafe erupted in chaos.

Secret admirer POV.

'Oh my god Mia. Why did you do this? ' I thought to myself
The whole cafe was noisier than ever.

I turned my head to look at Jay who had a startled face. He gazed at me from a distance mouthing,' What the hell dude'.

I avoided his expression as I was unable to comprehend the situation.

' This is not going to end well for the both of us Mia '.

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