Chapter thirty six

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" Little Miss Mia, now is also your time to tell us anything else that you are hiding" Nikki glared at me looking back and forth between me and Zack who was now busy with his locker wearing a sad expression.

"It's only fair.  I got to tell you something else too" and so I told them everything about Zack and even half a day was not enough to finish my story. It was already lunch hour.

Wherever I stepped, there were whispers and talks among my classmates. They were not aware of Zack but they talked a lot about my marriage and my grandpa.

After finishing my story, Adam was the one to speak first, " Wow, I could write a story about you" he more like exaggerated.

" Mia, what are you going to do?"Nikki showed her full interest.

Just then one of the heroes of my story joined the gang along with Amelia.

" Hey," Amelia more like waved toward me more than the rest of the gang.

" Last time I checked, aren't you still mad at her?" Adam asked Amelia.

" I was. But now that I know everything, I don't think it's any of her fault. I like to have a more civil relationship with her." She smiled at me.

At least one person came to their senses. " I appreciate it, Amelia".

She just smiled back.

Ryan sat in the seat beside me." Hey beautiful " he said as he kissed me on my temples. I felt a pair of eyes keenly looking at me and as I guessed, Zack was indeed looking in my direction from far away.

This has got to stop.

" Ryan, is it okay if I talk with Zack alone". I asked him nervously.

Ryan hesitated a bit before nodding in approval.

I stood up and went straight to his table. He tensed up as he saw my approaching figure.

" Zack can I talk to you alone" I requested.

He stood up silently and followed me outside as I left with him but not before giving Ryan a reassuring smile.

The ground outside was bright and green. I sat at one of the bleachers while Zack sat opposite me as we both focused our sight on a gardener who was planting small trees all around while pulling out old ones.

"I wish life was more simple like what he is doing Zack. Throwing away old things and focusing on new ones."

He still stayed quiet observing the gardener's every move.

" I regained full memory of everything Zack. Our dates, our relationship everything."

He still stayed quiet.

" Why did you follow me here knowing I don't remember you? Did you love me that much?"

He smiled a little. " You want to know the truth, Mia? I indeed loved you a lot. We worked out so well. Everything was just perfect. We laughed, we danced, we sang. But that night changed everything. For once in my life I thought I made the right decision in making you my girlfriend. I didn't like the way things ended and a part of me was also guilty that I caused you that accident. I should have been more careful. I am truly sorry Mia. But the reality is, Ryan is a good guy and he likes you a lot, maybe even more than me. And you are a new version of happiness when you are with him. I haven't seen you that happy when you were with me. When I came to this school, I always had my eyes on you. Before you married Ryan, once I saw Stella trying to hurt you. She threw some pins on your chair when you were not there. Before I could stand to change them, Ryan gave Stella the coldest glare and cleaned up everything before you showed up for class and sat on it. Another day when it rained heavily, no one was there to give you a ride, so I followed you but Ryan was there too. He followed you till you safely made it to your house. Another day when you got hurt in gym class, he immediately ran to the nurse's office, got some pills, and gave it to one of the girls in the gym to give it to you. In all our basketball games, he will choose the row in front of you so if any ball comes your way, he is there to catch it before it hits you. Once he did catch a ball that was about to hit you and he got a bruise in his hand following that incident. He never leaves school before you. Every evening he will wait in the parking lot till you leave with Nikki. And only after he knows that you have left, he will start his car. One day your eyes were puffy and sore and you were pressing on your stomach. It won't take a genius to know you had your cramps.  His eyes never left you the whole day. And lastly his seating arrangement in the cafe. He always chooses the table that is opposite to yours so that he can have a good look at you. Your favorite chips were over in the cafe one day, and your face just fell. He had a pack and so he called one of the staff in the cafe to give it to you. You didn't know that it was him, did you? You just assumed the staff gave you the last pack because you were sad. That boy loved you so much even before he got to know you. Yes, I am sad that you are not mine. But if Ryan is the guy you choose, I will always be happy for you ."

His words hit me like a rock. I tried to recall every little scenario in my head.

My usual seat in class was replaced one day. Someone lent me the pills when I got hurt in the gym. Ryan always sat in the front row before me in every game. He got hurt as he tried to tackle the ball that came my way and got hurt in the process. He had to wear dressing for a whole month. He never left school before I did and he always parked his car next to Nikki's. I assumed he was waiting for his friends every time. I always got a good view of Ryan in the cafe. I thought the lady gave me those chips because she had one left after I put on my puppy face. I thought everything was a coincidence.

But it wasn't. Ryan loved me even before we spoke with each other.

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