Chapter Thirteen

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I am done. My world has turned upside down. My life is over.
Only god can help me.

How can so much happen in a single day?

Firstly Ryan avoids me like a plague in school.
Second, suddenly I am a billionaire.
Third, I have to marry him.

I didn't have to think twice to reply.

"Dad I won't marry him. I can't." I replied with all seriousness.

My mom was by my side hugging me to show her support.

"Mia we know it's hard for you. But it's for the best. You have not gone on any dates or had a boyfriend. At this rate we thought arranged marriage was the best option for you. And we have the best candidate "

I couldn't take it anymore.

"I don't wanna get married. I am still immature. I don't wanna live in New York. I don't want to give up anything" I was having a mental breakdown.

We heard a honk outside.

"We will discuss this later. His car is here to pick us up. Go get ready"

I went up to my room and slammed the door. I was so annoyed I felt like breaking everything.

I quickly packed my bag not caring what I put in them. My parents and brother were already in the car when I went down.

Closing the door, I looked at the car in front of my house. On any other day, I would have jumped to get inside a car like that. But today I felt nervous to even get in it.

The drive was silent. No one spoke a word. I focused my gaze on the trees passing by and the rays of sunset.

I wish this was a dream. A very bad dream I could get out of.

We arrived at our destination after a short drive. It was a highly sophisticated hospital with the roof touching the sky.

With a heavy heart, I walked along with my parents to whatever floor my grandfather was admitted to.

My parents and my brother were the first ones to go in. I halted outside the door preparing myself to see my long-lost grandpa.

I went in only to see a very old man sleeping with a lot of machines and wires hooked to him. Though he had abandoned us, I felt the instant rush to hug him. My grandpa.

He stirred in his sleep, slowly opening his eyes to us. He woke up immediately noticing my dad with a big smile on his face.

Without wasting much time my dad ran to him and hugged the life out of him.

He sobbed as he spoke., "Dad, I am sorry I didn't come to see you all these years. "

"No Son. It was my fault. You have nothing to be sorry for. Forgive me, please. I am just glad I saw you before I died" my grandpa's voice broke.

My dad is crying his eyes out and so is my grandpa.

When he saw me he let go of my dad. "Is that my granddaughter? " he asked pointing to me.

"Yes, Dad. Mia Walters and your grandson Dylan "Dad proudly said.

Dylan was hugging my mother's leg for dear life while I just stood there not knowing what to do.

" Thomas I regret abandoning you every second of my life. I lost all the time I could spend with my grandchildren. I truly regret everything that I did." Once he spoke to my father, my grandpa called for me.

I sat in the chair next to him as he took my hands in his.

" My dear child I am sorry that I couldn't be with you all these years. You have grown up into a beautiful young girl. Just like your mother. " he warmly smiled.

I felt that he spoke genuinely as those words left his mouth.

"Grandpa it's okay. Please don't stress yourself. I'm sure we have a lot of time to catch up" a tear slipped without my control.

"I'm afraid my time is short dear. Before I go all I want is for you to take up the company and to give your hand in marriage to my loyal friend's grandson. "

"Grandpa I don't think I'm ready for that"

"I know dear. I know how scary it looks. But the company contains your father's hard work. He was the sole reason for such a massive development. I don't want it to be ruined. You will need a helper, dear. Not all my staff are loyal to me. Some are waiting for me to die to take my place as they think there is no heir. But I want everything that I own to fall into your hands. There are only a handful of people who love me back and are ready to make sure you get all the rights because they know to smell all the bad ones under me. Ryan is the one that I trust the most. With him by your side, I can happily rest in peace. "

"Grandpa but.. "

"Do it as the last wish of a dying man" he said with hope in his eyes.

I could not contain myself. It was too much for me. I abruptly got up and rushed outside the door only to bump into a hard chest.

I looked up to see the one person whom I didn't want to see right now.

Ryan was standing ahead of me with a middle-aged man and woman whom I assumed to be his parents.

I composed myself and stepped aside to give them a way. His parents went inside without a word. Ryan had a look of pain and sadness in his eyes.

I sat on one of the chairs in the corridor with my head buried in my hands. Everything is happening too fast and I don't like it.

I heard shuffling noises beside me and looked up to see Ryan sitting in the chair next to me.

" I suppose you are aware of what our parents want us to do," he said looking at the floor below us.

"Yes. I am aware of the proposal. " I said void of any emotions.

But what he said next shook my world. I never thought in a million years he would say that.

" Let's get married ".

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