Chapter twenty three

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Both Nikki and Amelia were taken aback by my words.

"Mia I like you but now you just sound so rude. I am gonna ask him out right now and prove you wrong." Amelia retaliated back.

" Aren't you guys already out? " Nikki said without a second thought. " Oops sorry Amelia. Word vomit". Nikki pretended to seal her mouth.

My words only pushed Amelia harder as she stood up hastily from her chair and ramp walked towards Ryan.

We could not hear what they spoke. Adam, Kate, and Shane sat in their chairs all looking at Amelia and Ryan who were now talking in the distance. Ryan's face changed to disbelief and he nodded his head and said a big " no". I knew it.

Ryan came to our table and hurriedly took his belongings and went on his way out. Amelia was sobbing in the distance as she followed Ryan's retreating figure.

" How did you know ?" Nikki asked me the question that had bugged her for the last few minutes.

" I just guessed" I shrugged and looked casual though I knew the whole truth.

" You are full of surprises darling" Nikki finished.

The visit to the mall ended up tragic for Amelia but for me, it was beyond happiness. My phone rang with my grandpa's name flashing on the screen.

I took the call with so much happiness.
"Hi, Grandpa. How are you?"

He replied more excited than me ." I am doing great darling Mia. The doctors said I have improved a lot and my health is in a steady state. It's a long time since I saw you and Dylan. I was wondering if you could come visit me today."

" I would love to Grandpa. Mom and Dad are off on a vacation. It's just me and Dylan. "

" Great darling. I will ask Ryan to pick you up" and he disconnected the call

At the mention of Ryan's name, my stomach felt butterflies.

" Dylan." I called out to my little brother from the stairs." Pack your bags. We are going to stay at Grandpa's."

He jumped up and down on hearing the news." Is my brother-in-law coming with us.?" He asked with his toothy smile.

I was amazed that he even knew the word brother-in-law. Dylan looked up to Ryan and always talked about him since the wedding. Ryan was so good with kids.

"Yes . He is coming with us".

Dylan's smile only widened more.

I locked up the house as I waited for Ryan outside along with Dylan.

His black Mercedes came into view. I got in the front seat as Dylan settled in the back seat making himself comfortable to take a nap.

Ryan smiled at me but his smile did not hold the usual spark that gave me jolts of electricity.

The ride was a little more uncomfortable than usual. Neither of us spoke for a long time as only the soft snoring sounds of my little brother filled the car. The sky started to show shades of red and orange as sunset was approaching. The wait was killing me and I took the first move.

" Ryan is everything okay between us? You seem a little quieter than normal" I spoke as I focused my attention on the moving road tracks.

" Mia, nowadays I feel like the more we spend time together the more we want from this relationship. I don't mind starting something new with you. But why did you involve Amelia in all of this?" He asked.

" What do you mean by I involved Amelia?" I asked not understanding where he was getting with this question.

" She told me that you told her to ask me out."

" What!?!. I did not tell her to do anything. She was the one who started all that. She wanted to date you. We were just discussing stuff. I told her that you were not interested in her. She got all angry and challenged me that she is gonna ask you out and you would agree". I replied as my insides were tossing with anger.

" So you didn't provoke her to date me.?" He asked as he impatiently waited for my answer.

" No. Why would I do that. ?"

" Oh thank god. I thought you didn't like me and that's why you told her to ask me out." he released a big sigh of relief.

Of course, I like you. But my mouth was sealed and the words never left.
The car started slowing down as Ryan took a turn into the woods.

" Hey. Where are we going?. I thought the route was that way". I pointed to the direction that we were supposed to take.

" Let me show you something. You will love it trust me." He smiled as he drove past the tall trees and stopped at the end of the road.
He released his seatbelt as he urged me to do the same. Dylan was fast asleep.

"Don't worry. It's not far and we will be back in a few minutes. Let him sleep" he assured me.

The place was not very far. We walked a few steps as I took in the beautiful scene before me.

It was almost dark. We were standing near the edge of a cliff overlooking the city from far. The city was lit so well as the dark star-filled sky covered the top.

I moved slowly towards the cliff to take in the fresh cool air blowing against my skin. My body was already forming goosebumps from the chilled fast-moving winds. My hair was swaying in all directions.

Suddenly a warm set of hands moved against the curve of my hips only to hug me tightly from behind. The warmth radiating from Ryan's body was comforting enough that I unconsciously advanced closer to his chest.

" Mia" his voice was seductive against my neck as he gently trailed kisses on my neckline.

My legs were giving away from the sudden surge of emotions to want more. He slowly released his grip on my body. My foot aimlessly wandered after leaving his embrace. I supported my back on a tree branch and closed my eyes shut not knowing what to expect for the next few minutes.

The sounds of Ryan walking on the scattered twigs grew louder as he approached me. Once again he slid his hand over my hips but this time we were standing face to face. I did not open my eyes as I wanted to feel the pleasure of it all.

His warm breath grew stronger over my face which only proved that Ryan was merely inches from my lips.

His lower lip touched mine asking permission to want more. I obliged and then it happened.

My second kiss.

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