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"Harry Dear, get ready please we need to go pick up Louis from Jay's house" Anne yells up to her 5 year old son. Jay and Anne have been friends since College. They stayed very close over the years, both having sons a few months apart who are inseparable. "Otay Mummy! I'm excited for LouLou to stay here." Harry squeals. Anne laughs and her sons excitement and tells him to quickly get his shoes on so they can head out the door.

"LouLou!" Harry screams releasing his mum's hand racing towards the blue eyed boy who standing in the doorway of his house waiting for Harry and Anne to arrive.

"Hi Hazzie! I missed you!" Louis says hugging his best friend. "Mummy said you are going to sleepover tonight!" Harry shouts excitedly. "Yeah! We can play games and eat junk food all night!" Louis says releasing the green eyed boy. "Yay! I missed you LouLou!" Harry says taking Louis hand. Both Anne and Jay who had since joined the three outside the house laugh at their sons. "Okay Boobear come give Mum a hug and a kiss before you leave me for the night." Jay says tearing up at the thought of her baby boy going on his first sleepover by himself. Louis released his hand from Harry's causing the green eyed boy to whine. "Bye mummy! Don't cry, I will miss you this much!" Louis says spreading his arms as far as they go apart and then runs to give his mum a quick hug and kiss goodbye. Louis then walks up to Harry and takes Harry's hand back in his own. "Come on Hazzie we have fun awaiting us!" Louis shouts pulling the younger boy to Harry's car. "Yay! Hazzie and LouLou fun time!" Harry giggles.

Jay and Anne admire their two sons and how close they are. They wonder if the two of them would always be that close... The best of friends joined at the hips.

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