Chapter 21

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"Hi..." Louis whispers. I can see that Louis is visibly upset and part of that makes me feel some relief that he is feeling the hurt that i am feeling, but a huge part of me is wanting to just take away his hurt. "H-hi" i stutter. "Can we talk?" He asks. "Um.. y-yeah o-okay" i turn to Jay "Do you mind finishing with out me?" "Of course love go on, thank you for helping me." Jay smiles. I hug jay and whisper to her "thank you for listening to me." "Of course sweetie. Go talk to him figure out what's going on okay?" I smile at her and then turn to Louis.

"Want to go for a walk and talk?" "yeah that sounds nice" Louis agrees. We leave the kitchen and head to the front door putting on our coats and boots as well as beanies and mittens. We walk in silence for a few minutes before Louis finally decided to break the silence. "I'm sorry H, I didn't mean to get upset with you."

"Why were you upset Louis i don't understand what i did" i questioned. "You didn't do anything Harry I wasn't even mad at you i was mad at myself. You make it to every fucking one of my footie games and I can't even make it to your opening night. I feel like a fucking shitty boyfriend for that, sometimes i think that there will come a day where i fail you and jus let you down. I don't want to be that person who lets you down Hazza i can't be that person it would destroy me" Louis explained with all sincerity. I take Louis hand and i interlock our fingers. "you could never let me down Lou, i understand you have preaching i was just saying i would love it if you tried to come because it would mean a lot. I just wanted to share my feelings with you so you know what it is important to me, I don't expect you to read my mind and I didn't want to make you feel bad" i explained

"I really am sorry H i love you so so much" "I love you too Lou, I don't like it when we fight" "I don't either.. but let's promise right here right now that no matter what you and i will always talk through our feelings, it we are upset we take some time to gather our thoughts but we always talk through our problems" Louis proposed.

"Deal.. and always say i love you even if we are fighting. You can be mad or i can be mad but we always have to say i love you" i added "I like that. Now i would really like to kiss you." Louis smirks. "Then kiss me you fool" Louis waste no time and connects our lips together.

I pull away "Want to go back dinner should be ready in an hour" i asked. "In a bit, lets walk some more" Louis says taking my hand again and guides me along the path. We made our way to a park that is a few blocks away and decided to sit on the swings. Louis entwines our hands as we start to swing.

"You know i was thinking..." i started. "Oh no this can't be good" Louis teased. "Heeeey" i pout "don't be mean LouLou" "Sorry baby don't pout." Louis stops swinging and walks up to my swing stoping me mid swing and stands in between my legs. He backed me up until my legs are able to warp around his waist and kisses Harry. "Actually do keep pouting i want to keep kissing that pout off you face" Louis smirks.

I giggle and make another pouty face jutting out my lip further so Louis will lean in a kiss them again. "Mmm I'd like that" Louis laughs and kisses me again. "So tell me baby what were you thinking?" Louis asks still standing between my legs. "I was thinking this summer we could take a road trip just the two of use before we leave to college. What do you think?"

"I think that is an amazing idea baby, where would we go?" "I am not sure wherever! But you think maybe we should start planning now?" "And saving it may get expensive" Louis adds. "Well my uncle has a VW camper van we could probably borrow he doesn't use it much anymore, we could save lots of money if we stay in the van."

"That sounds absolutely amazing! We will have the best summer ever." Louis cheers. "Summer is always the best when it's with you" i blush. "You sap" Louis kisses me again making me giggle. Louis phone starts ringing breaking us out of the trance.

"Hello?" "Hi mum, yeah okay sounds good" Louis hangs up the phone and looks at me. "What's up ?" I cock my head to the side. "Mum called dinner will be ready in 15 minutes we better head back" Louis explained. "Okay lets go I'm hungry!"

"Okay lets go get my baby some food!" Louis moved out of the way of the swing so i could get off. Once i was standing on my feet Louis took my hand in his and we walked back home. Once we arrive home we head into the dining room where everyone is just starting to sit down.

"Welcome back boys, how was your walk?" My mum asked. "It was good, just what we needed" i smile as i slide into my seat with Louis sitting in the seat right next to me. The rest of the afternoon is spent sitting around the table laughing and enjoying both families company and sharing delicious food. After dinner the younger kids went upstairs to play with their new toys while the adults and older kids sat around the table and continued conversing.

A few hours later Louis turns to me. "Babe we should get going hey?" "Yes we have a drive ahead of us yet and i want to be able to cuddle and watch movies!" I sang. "that my love is a great plan" We say our goodbyes to our mothers, siblings and Louis grandparents before heading out.

I decided to drive us back to the bed and breakfast. We sand and laughed the whole way home. The fight long forgotten and out of our minds. Both of us excited to spend some time alone with each other without the worry of interruptions. As soon as we arrive back to the cabin Louis starts the fire in the fire place, while i make us both some hot chocolate and pick a movie. I sit down on the couch and Louis joins me with a blanket that we both snuggle under and we press play on Love Actually.

Part way through the movie Louis turns to me. "I love you" "I love you too Lou... where did that come from?" I question. "I just love you and honestly the past two days have been so special and I love you for making me feel so special. my beautiful boyfriend you are something else." I blush. "You deserve to feel special Lou i hope you know and i hope you realize how much i love you and how much i would do anything for you?" I kiss Louis. "Okay enough with the snappiness lets finish this movie" Louis grins. "you started it" i giggle. " But i agree Love Actually is waiting for us" i say seriously, because lets be real Love Actually is serious business its the best movie ever. Louis laughs and we shift so we are laying down on the couch Louis is behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and sliding his leg in between mine.

Once the movie ends i hear a soft snoring behind me and i turn to see that Louis is sound asleep behind me. I get up slowly as to not wake up Louis. Once i am up off the couch i turn and pick Louis up in my arms bridal style. Louis snuggles closer into my chest as i carry him upstairs to the bed. It was a struggle getting him up the stairs but i couldn't bring myself to wake him up. "Goodnight Boobear, I love you so much." I whisper to Louis and kiss him on the forehead climbing into the bed cuddling close to Louis before falling asleep.

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