Chapter 22

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The next week went by quickly Louis and i spent the week with each other going on dates and watching movies sleeping over at the others house rotating each night. One night my mum and Jay enlisted us to baby sit Louis younger siblings while Jay and my mum went and had a night out.

It is now December 31st and we are at my house getting it ready for the party tonight. "Okay lads i have all the decorations here, i need two people to help hang things" Liam demands. "Okay babe you and Z go help Liam, I am going to help Niall with the snacks because I don't trust him to not eat all the snacks before the party even starts" I laugh "Hey! I would no- nah you are probably right! Come on Harold I need to talk to you anyway!" Niall protested grabbing my arm and guiding me to the kitchen.

"Baby wait, before you go I need to tell you something" Louis shouts after me. "What's up Lou?" Louis leans in and kisses me. "Nothing I just wanted a kiss." I giggle. "You dork, now go help Li it looks like Zayn is about to hit him with those decorations." I point to the two boys arguing. Louis turns to them and laughs. "Okay I will go keep the peace" "Louis you better actually help them or no kiss for you at midnight" I threaten. Louis gasp and turns to walk towards the boys without another word to me.

"Oi you shit heads! Let's get decorating this house" I hear Louis yell to the boys as he enters the living room. I laugh and shake my head at my boyfriend before turn back to Niall. "Ready?" "You really have that boy wrapped around your finger" Niall chuckles. "I just know what motivates him" I wink. Niall rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Come on let's get the snacks ready"

We walk to the kitchen and start getting everything ready. "So what did you want to talk about" I inquired. "Well a couple things actually I invited Lottie here tonight and i um... I kind of have a crush on her..." Niall mumbles.

"You what!?" I shout. "Sshh! Haz! I don't want Louis to find out yet... i ummm need your help actually I want to talk to him about it before Lottie gets here but I need you to be there for it. Which brings me to my second thing. H I really like her and you know I am not one to go from girl to girl I actually am interested in having a girlfriend and only want to move forward if I see it being serious with them. I just know Louis will only see this as one of his friends trying to bone his sister... please help me talk to him"

"Okay Ni breathe. I know you Ni I know how you are, I will talk to Lou but first does Lottie like you back?' " I think so we have flirted a few times in school but I haven't pursued anything because I wanted to talk to Louis before I move forward I want to make sure that he is okay with his." Niall explains. "Okay here is what we are going to do you finish putting these chips into a bowl I am going to see Louis and talk to him upstairs in my room okay?" "Okay thank you H you are the best!" Niall breathes a sigh of relief. "No worries Ni okay I am going to go talk to Louis meet us upstairs in 10 minutes" I tell him as I leave the kitchen to go to talk to Louis in the living room.

"Hey babe, can I talk to you for a minute?" I call out to Louis as I enter the living room. "Yeah of course is everything alright babe?" Louis worries. "Yeah everything is alright, I just need to talk to you upstairs in my room for a minute" I reassure him trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. "Sure love"

We head up to my room and sit on the bed I take a deep breath before starting to talk to Louis. "Okay Lou I need to talk to you about something but I need you to listen to me for a minute and I need you to promise not to get mad or leave when I tell you this" I start. "Babe you are scaring me what's going on?" Louis pries. "Lou promise me?" "Okay baby I promise now what's going on?"

"Okay in a minute Niall is going to enter the room and he is going to talk to you about something important and i need you to listen to him without getting mad and yelling at him please hear him out okay?" "You still aren't making any sense but yes okay fine I promise" Louis agreed reluctantly. As if on cue Niall enters the room. "H-hey Louis, can I talk to you?" Niall stutters.

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