Chapter 23

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The next month flew by and it is now February 1st and is the day of my 18th birthday. Louis has slept over at my house the night before and is currently cuddled up with me as we are both asleep. "Happy Birthday Baby" Louis whispers into my ear. "I'm sleeping ssshhh" I mumble back. "Fine i guess i will celebrate your birthday without you and go on the birthday adventure by may self. Maybe i will meet a cute boy join since my boyfriend would rather sleep then spend the day with me" Louis teases. I frown. "Would you really find a cute boy?"

"Naaah never, Couldn't find a boy cuter than you even if i tried, But i do need you to get up my love we have places to go you and i" "Okay for you i will wake up" i smile. "Good. Happy Birthday Baby" Louis peppers kisses to my face. "Thank you Boobear. So! What are the plans for today?" I question. "That my young Harold is a surprise! Now get up get showered and meet me downstairs in 20 minutes!" Louis orders. "yes sir!" "Save that sir for later" Louis winks. "Looouuu.." i blush. "go get ready Curly we have somewhere to be in an hour!" Louis demands making me get up out of bed and head to the shower.

Fifteen minutes later i head down stairs to see Louis has coffee and bagels from my favourite bakery on the table for breakfast. We have a quick breakfast before we head out the door. We hop into Louis car and he drives us to the first birthday destination.

"Louis the aquarium!" I gasp. "Yeah and we aren't just going to see the Aquatic life i have arranged for us to swim with he sharks!" Louis cheers. "LOU! OH MY GOD YOU KNOW I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THAT! I LOVE YOU!" I squeal making Louis laugh. "I know sweetheart, this is one of you bucket list items and i would love to be able to check it off with you." "I love you!" "Love you too baby! Now come on." Louis takes my hand and we walk inside to the Aquarium.

We head into the building and are guiding into the changing room where we put on our wet suits, once those are on we head to a room where we spend an hour getting diving instructions and explanations on how to use the equipment. Once that is done Louis and I are given one hours to swim around together with the sharks and other fish. It was the most magical and amazing experience of my life. Best birthday ever.

Once we get back into the car after swimming i wasn't able to wipe the grin off my face. "So Haz did toy enjoy it?" Louis questions. "Yeah Lou i had the best time ever thank you so much baby" i gush. "You are more then welcome, now do you want to go to the final place?" "There is more?" My eyes widen. " "Well of course my love you only turn 18 once!". "Okay lets go!" I grin. Louis laughs and puts the car in drive and starts to take off to our next destination.

"Alright love we are here" Louis says as he puts the car in park. "Are we going bowling!" I squeal. "Yes and the boys are inside waiting for us" "Oh my god, i am so excited! Let's go! Let's go!" "Okay okay come on" Louis chuckles. We walk hand in hand inside to the bowling alley.

"Oi! Happy Birthday Harold!" Niall yells as we enter the bowling alley. "Thanks Nialler" i laugh. Zayn and Liam come to wish me a happy birthday next. I thank them both before we go and get our bowling shoes. We spend the rest of the late afternoon and enjoying the day. Louis was being extra goofy and doing all the tricks he could to make me laugh, he ended up sliding on the floor as he throws his ball down the lane knocking over all but two pins. By the end of the three rounds i ended up winning all of them. Louis even gave me a fake trophy and a big sloppy kiss which made me giggle.

"Alright lads are you coming to Harry's for dinner? His mum is ordering food and we are having cake and watching movies if you guys are in" Louis asks as we make our way to the cars. "Wait we are?" I asked shocked. "Of course Haz, wouldn't be your birthday without our tradition of takeout cake and movies" "Oh my god i am excited! Yes please guys, please join!" I cheer. "Of course!" Liam chimes and Niall and Zayn nod their heads. We climb into our two vehicles and make our way to my house.

When we arrive at my house my mum had the house decorated with balloons and a giant happy birthday banner. The rest of the night was spent eating Chinese food watching comedies and eating cake. We ended up making a giant bed in the living room for Liam, Zayn and Niall as they decided to spend the night. It was almost one in the morning by the time Louis and I made our way upstairs to my room.

"Thank you for today Lou, it was the best birthday ever!" I tell him as we get settled into bed. "You are welcome love, you deserve the world." Louis kisses my forehead. "Oh! I have your birthday present!" Louis gets up and grabs his present from his bag and walks back to me. "here!" He hands me the gift. "Lou! It's beautiful!" I tell him honestly. I opened the box to see a beautiful silver ring with infinity loops throughout the band and This I Promise engraved on the inside of the ring. "wait what do you promise" i question. "i know i got you a ring for Christmas, but this one is different. This one is a promise, a promise to love you, a promise to be there for you through your darkest days and your brightest days. I promise that one day i will replace that ring with an engagement ring. I promise forever to you" Louis says tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"I love you" i whispers out as tears stream down my face. "I love you too" Louis wipes the tears from my face with the pad of his thumb. We share a short loving kiss which turns more heated. Louis rolls me over so he is laying over me and starts kissing me fighting for dominance.

"Lou..." I whine "yeah baby?" He whispers "Please do something" I moan. "Okay love i will make you feel so good"....

Louis hands make their way to the hem of my shirt slowly lifting it off I sit up pulling my shirt fully over my head before reaching and over and helping Louis take off his shirt. Louis slides down with his fingertips, running his hands gently all over his lower body "L-Lou" I whimper.

"Sshh baby it's okay" Louis kisses down my neck, leaving love bites down my body.
I moan unable to keep my quiet. Louis moved to my nipples taking the time between each one paying extra care between them. Louis kisses his way down my stomach before making his way waistband of my underwear before sliding them down freeing my cock. Louis licks up my entire length causing me to shiver to the touch. I feel Louis warm wet lips make their way down my length and a low quiet moan escapes my lips. "Such a good boy" Louis coos. "Louis please"

"What do you need love?" "Fingers Lou fingers" i whine. "Okay baby can you turn over for me?" I waste no time flipping over and climbing up to my hands and knees.

Hearing the "snick" of the lube cap opening shakes me from my thoughts causing me to groan. I feel the coldness of the lube as Louis runs his finger up and down my hole before sliding his finger in.

My mouth forms an 'O' shape as I feel his finger work it's way in and out of my hole. He eventually works his way up to two and then three purposefully avoiding my prostate.

"Lou please stop teasing" "I don't know what you mean baby boy" Louis smirks. "Lou get into me now" I moan.
"Soon baby boy, can you be a good boy?" "Yes daddy such a good boy for you"

Louis lubes up his neglected cock before placing the tip at my entrance. He slides in slowly and until he is bottoming out. He doesn't move allowing me time to adjust. Louis starts moving at at a steady pace. Little uh uh uh's escaping my mouth.
"Ugh harder Lou harder harder" Louis slams into me angling to hit my bundle of nerves in the exact right place.

"D-daddy feels so good"

"So tight baby"

"Yeah daddy yeah so good so good" "So close Lou so close". Louis turns me over so i am facing him and he starts stroking my length.

'D-daddy close" "cum baby cum" with that i am spurting white ribbons up my stomach. Louis continues to thrust in me despite me feeling sensitive. After a few more thrust Louis cums deep inside me with a grunt and collapses on me.

"Happy Birthday Love" Louis says kissing my forehead. "thank you Lou. I love you and i felt so loved today" i whisper and curl up into Louis both of use deciding to shower tomorrow. "You because you are Harry so very loved." Louis kissed my head and with that we both feel asleep.


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