Chapter 14

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We are currently laying on Louis bed watching a movie while we wait for head over to Liam's house, we agreed on a 6pm arrival time. "Hey Lou, how do you want to tell the boys". "I think we could just not say anything just act all couple like and see if they catch on or what they say" Louis suggests. I giggle at the idea of making our friends confused. "I like that plan Lou we could do something like this" I lean and kiss Louis, Louis wastes no time kissing me back capturing my lips in his fighting me for dominance, i allow Louis to win his tongue makes his way into my mouth causing me to moan into his mouth. "Lou" i pull away "we need to stop" "But i don't want to stop Haz and i know you don't want to either" Louis smirks before leaning in to continue the kiss. And yeah he was right but we really had to stop Jay was downstairs and i really do not want to lose my virginity like this. "L-Lou your mum is downstairs" i stutter. "Fine yeah you are right we should stop we need to go meet the boys anyway." Louis sits up his hair a mess, cheeks pink and slightly out of breath. "You are cute when are fluster" i giggle into his chest. "You are cute always" Louis leans down and kisses my head. "Now come on sweetheart we need to get going" Louis says pushing me up off his lap.

We climb into my car and i drive us the 15 minute drive it takes us to get to Liam's house. On the ride there we discuss possible things we can do to show the boys we are dating. I blush at some of Louis suggestions. We arrive and walk up to Liam's door, before i can knock Louis grabs my hand to stop me. "Are you ready to do this love?" i kiss him "Yeah i am ready, are you ready Boo?" I ask hoping that Louis isn't going to back out. "I am ready sweetheart, let's do this" Louis says knocking on the door, after a anxious two minutes Liam finally comes and answers the door. "Harry Louis you made it!" "Hey Payno,  the other lads here?" Louis asks. "Yeah they are in the living room basement come on" Liam says leading us downstairs.

"Hey guys! Louis you in for a round of FIFA" Zayn asks as we enter the room.  "Yeah sounds good" Louis goes and sits on the couch next to Zayn. Liam is sitting on the other side of Zayn and Niall is sitting in the single lounge chair leaving no room for me, so i decide to sit on the floor in front of Louis. Louis spreads his legs so that i can lean up against the couch. I fiddle with he hem of Louis pants while watching them play. Louis has always been good at this game, i always lose really bad when i verse him. But to be fair i usually get lost in staring at Louis and not focusing on the game.

After three rounds of Louis kicking, Zayn, Liam and Niall's ass Louis turns to me. "Haz you want to play" Louis asks holding the second controller out to me. "Sure!" I say taking the controller from Louis. I put on my concentration face and play my hardest, my tongue found it's way out past my lips settling in the corner of my lips. I really did try my hardest.... But it ended with Louis winning 2-0. "Love don't take this the wrong way but you are really bad at this" Louis teases poking my cheek. "Looouuu, you are being mean to me again" i whine putting on my pouty face. "I'm sorry baby I'll be nicer I promise" Louis smirks causing me to giggle. I find my self giggling a lot at Louis but especially right now when i know what he is doing by calling me baby. "Good or I won't kiss you anymore" i play along. "Hey you take that back!" Louis drops the controller and starts to tickle me.

"Wait WHAT!? Baby? Kissing?! What is going on!?" Niall shouts causing Louis to stop tickling me and both of us to start laughing. "Oh ummm Haz and I are kind of dating..." Louis tells them. I can't believe he told them i brace myself for the the responses from the boys and hope that they are okay with it. "Since when?!" Liam asks confused. "Last Friday" Louis tells him taking my hand and interlacing our fingers. "Well at least we finally know what Harry's type is" Niall laughs causing me to blush. "Niiialll" i drone. "Ignore Niall, we are happy for you guys though, I know of always thought you would make an adorable couple" Liam blushes. Zayn gasps "Oh my god! I probably sounded so dumb talking about Louis and Eleanor and oh my god... Harry and Lottie"... Zayn nervous laughs "Shit i am an idiot but Li is right we are all so happy for you" Zayn continues. "Thanks Payno and its all good Z you didn't know but thank you" Louis leans over and kisses me making me blush for the fiftieth time today. "It's okay Zaynie you just had the wrong Tomlinson that's all. Lou is the only one i like." I smile proudly happy to finally be able to say it out loud to everyone.

"So now that we know what's going on between the two of you, you all want to start watching these movies?" Zayn asks. "Sure, but um... can we watch Disney movies since its to late to start a Harry Potter Marathon?" I ask sheepishly. "Yes! Let's watch Toy Story!" Liam gleams. "You and your Toy Story" Louis shakes his head laughing. "Heeey your boyfriend is the one that suggested Disney movies" Liam defends. "Yeah but he's adorable, he can get away with it" Louis retorts pulling me up into his lap to cuddle" "Boo can i stay here the whole movie?" I whisper into his neck. "Of course you can baby" "Thank you Boobear" I  lean up to kiss Louis and Louis kisses me back. It's a soft kiss there is not rush or heat behind it but its tender and you can feel the love with each movement. Niall coughs breaking us out of our trance. "As much as i love that you two are together can you stop kissing long enough to tell me what kind of pizza you want?" Niall grumbles. "Sorry Ni! Don't mean to get between you and your food" i giggle. "But Lou loves meat lovers and i like veggie" "Awe my Hazza knows me so well!" Louis coos. "I know you the best LouLou, i know you more than anyone, I am your person and you are mine!" I tell him proudly. "You sap" Louis fonds pulling me closer to his chest.

Louis POV

We spend the rest of the night watching Toy Story eating pizza, much to Liam's pleasure we ended up watching all four Toy Story's. Half way through the last movie Harry ended up falling asleep curled up on my lap soft snores escaping his lips. I take the time to admire Harry's facial features. He is beautiful soft, warm behind those eyelids were the kindest and most beautiful eyes that i could get lost in for hours. I hate that i wasted so much time not realizing the feelings i had for this boy. My boy.

"Alright guys i better take this one home" I tell him point to sleeping Harry in my lap. They all nod, i decide against waking Harry up, wanting him to sleep. "Hey lads would one of you mind helping me with he doors?" I ask as i pick Harry up bridal style. "Of course Lou" the three of them agreed and all walked me to the car opening the doors as we reached them. I put Harry into the front seat buckle him in kissing his cheek before quietly closing the door and turning to the lads who were all staring at me. "umm yeah well thanks lads i will see yous on monday" I state flustered by the looks they are giving me. Nobody said anything they all just continued to stare. "What?" I ask. "Nothing you are just so sweet with him and loving, it's nice to see this side of you Tommo." Liam explains. "Yeah you are calm and not as rambunctious." Zayn chimes in. "Like you were always different with Harry always more gentle with him but this is a whole other extreme." Niall continues. "Basically what we are saying Louis is that we are happy for you two. Honestly you guys are perfect for each other" Liam finishes.

I am taken back by the words the boys are saying. I mean i knew they would be supportive i just didn't realize they would be this supportive. "Thanks guys, it means a lot really. I really do care for this boy. He also cares a lot about what you guys think so i appreciate you guys being so supportive of us." I admitted. "Of course Louis". We said our goodbyes and i drove Harry and i home.

We arrived home i carried Harry upstairs to my room and put him down on the bed tucking him in after stripping him down to his underwear because i know he will be pissed at me if i let him sleep in his clothes. If it were up to that boy he would be naked all the time. I mean not that i am complaining, the boy is fit... nice little body. A knock on the door shakes my out of my thoughts. "Come in i whisper" "Hey love i just wanted to say goodnight and that i love you and i am so proud of you baby." My mum says as she enters my room. She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Protect that boy at all cost Lou, don't hurt him he's a sweetheart" Mum whispers. "I will mum i promise. Goodnight I love you." I say releasing the hug. Mum leaves the room after kissing me on the cheek. I close the door and strip down into my underwear climbing into the bed behind my boyfriend and wrap my arms around his waist. "Goodnight baby, I love you Hazza...." I kiss his forehead and fall asleep to the sound of Harry's breathing.

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