Chapter 6

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The boys leave the next day they leave around noon after I made them a nice breakfast of waffles, eggs and bacon with a side of fruit. You can't forget the fruit! After letting the boys out i head back upstairs to my room deciding to take a long nap. I don't know how long later i am awoken from my nap by a knock on the door. "Hi Love!" "Mum! I missed you!" I get up off my bed and run to give her a hug. "I missed you too baby. Do you have a minute to talk?" "Yeah what's up?" I question. Mum sits me down on my bed before telling me "I have to go out town starting tonight for two weeks. I have an opportunity to do a two week management training". "I understand, I will just miss you a lot mum, What time are leaving?" I frown. "I will miss you too my love. I leave in a couple hours, i need to go pack quickly. I will come see you before i leave" Mum stands up giving me a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving my room.

I start to panic about the idea of being home alone for two weeks so i decide to call Louis" "Hey Haz, I can't talk long what's up?" "Oh um... are you able to come over tonight? Mum is-" i don't get to finish my sentence. "Sorry Haz... i have to go, can i call you in a bit?" "Oh okay never mind" I hang up the phone before waiting for Louis response. This is all the proof you need Harry, you can keep relying on Louis's. It's time to figure out your life without needing Louis every second. I decide to go talk to mum about going with her. I get up off my bed and head to her room. "Mum..." "Yes baby? She says peaking her head out of her closet. "C-can i come with you?" "Love i would love it if you could come but unfortunately it's training I wouldn't be around much plus you have school. What's going on sweetheart, why don't you want to be here?" "i just hate being her alone. L-Lou has a girlfriend he's always busy with her. Normally he would stay here with me or i would go there but he's busy with El now." I frown. "Oh Harry i am sorry i know me being gone or working late all the time is hard for you. I am sure Jay would be fine with you staying there for the two weeks even if Lou is busy. Just let me call her okay?" "Yeah okay... i am just going to head to my room." I say leaving mum's room and heading back to mine, i see mum pulling out her phone to call Jay. i decide to wait in the hallway to here what she says.

"Hello Love" Jay says over speaker phone. "Hello Jay Dear, i have a favour to ask. I have to go away for two weeks for a last minute training. Harry is struggling with staying alone and he's worried that Lou is too busy for him. Would he able to stay with you even if Louis is off with his new girlfriend i hear he has." Mum laughs as she continues to walk around the room getting her bag ready. "Oh of course you know how much i love Harry. I know it must be hard for him now that Louis is seeing someone. I know Louis loves your boy and normally would drop everything for him he's probably just struggling with the balance. But yes Harry is welcome here always" Jay says on the other end, i sigh knowing Jay is probably right. "Thank you Jay. I am sure the boys will figure it out. they have such a special bond. Okay well i have to finish packing come over for wine when i am back. Thank you again Jay goodbye." Mum ends the call and I make my way back to my room. I hope mum is right and that Lou and i can figure this out, i really just want things to be okay.

"Harry Love, Jay said you could stay there for the two weeks. Do you want to pack your stuff now quickly then you ca drive me to the airport. You can take the car so you have it while i am gone?" Mum asks as she enters my room. "Okay I'll be quick" I get up and start packing for my stay at Louis. I am not to worried about forgetting anything because i can always come back if i need anything.

I drive mum to the airport once we are both ready. I am really going to miss her, i feel like lately she has been working so many extra hours and I know it's not her fault she is just trying to support us but i wouldn't mind her being around more. I pull up to the departures door getting out of the car to help mum get her suit case out of the back. I give her a long hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before saying our goodbyes. We both promise to call and text daily and i promise her that i will be okay. I watch her walk into the airport before i drive away.

45 minutes later i arrive at Louis house. It felt weird here i am pulling out my suitcase to spend the next two weeks at my best friend of forever's house and he has no idea i am even coming. I shake my head and decide to get over myself and head up the pathway to the house. I open the door walking in, i don't knock i haven't knocked in years this is my second home. "Harry dear! How are you?" Jay says while i take off my coat. "Hi Jay, 'M good. Thank you for letting me stay here." I smile. "Of course Love, you are family you are always welcome. Now go put your stuff in Louis room he's not home right now" Jay says giving me a warm welcoming hug. I thank Jay once again before heading upstairs to Loui's room. I decide now is the right time to start rehearsing my lines. I lay on Louis bed putting in my earbuds, pressing play on my playlist it's actually the one that Louis put on my phone and i start reading my lines.

I am making good progress on my lines i don't realize how much time has passed. Suddenly i feel arms wrapped around my neck causing me to squeal and jump, i rip the earbuds out of my ear. "Hi Haz" Louis giggles. "I am sorry about earlier, i was at footie practice, we have a game tomorrow and coach has the no phones on the field rule" "It's okay Lou" I turn around in his arms to hug him properly. Mmmm warmth. "Not that i am not happy you are here but why are you here?" Louis questions. "Oh... Mum is going out of town for training for tweak weeks and she talked to Jay about me not wanting to be alone so Jay said i could stay with you guys for two weeks" I explain. "Wait you are staying here for two weeks?!" Louis questions. "Yeah... don't worry i will give you space when you are with El." "Sick mate! I am happy you are going to be here for two weeks!" "So tell me how was your date with El?" "It was a lot of fun!" "That's great, is she officially your girlfriend?" I ask praising myself for my voice not breaking in that sentence. Louis laughs and I give him a questioning look. "No, and if i am being honest I don't think i want her to be" Louis explains. "What?! Why?!" I ask surprising myself at the loudness of my voice. "Don't get me wrong i had an amazing time on the date and she is an amazing girl but when we kissed if I am being honest i just didn't feel anything" Louis tells me. "Oh Lou... I'm sorry" I genuinely am sorry for him but a big part of me is happy for my own selfish reasons. "It's okay Hazza it wasn't meant to be i will just wait for the right person to come along" "I'm sure you will find the right girl for you Lou, you are the most amazing person ever." "Thanks Hazza i know i will find the right person" Louis says pulling me in for a hug.

"So what do you want to do tonight Lou" i smile at him. "I am so exhausted from footie practice and i need to rest for the game tomorrow, so lets do something chill. But speaking of footie do i get my biggest cheerleader coming tomorrow?" Louis says poking my dimples. "I wouldn't miss it Lou. Honestly I'm tired too can we just listen to music or something?" "I'm glad you are coming and music sounds great." I hand Louis one of my earbuds and we lay down on his bed, i lay on my back and Louis cuddles up into my side wrapping his arm around my waist closing his eyes. I can't help the grin that creeps on my face as i close my eyes falling before falling asleep.

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