Chapter 12

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Here is a link to the song for you to listen to while reading this chapter

I wake up the next morning to the alarm going off and an excruciating pain in my my stomach causing me to whimper and grip my stomach. "What's wrong babes" Louis asks groggily. "My tummy hurts Lou" i curl up closer into Louis to feel is warmth as i am freezing. "Oh my love you feel really warm. I think you may be sick sweetheart" "I hate being sick, make it go away LouLou" i whine. "I wish i could baby. Let me go talk to mum, see what she says" "Don't leave me" i whimper. "I will be fast my love" Louis gets up and leaves despite my protests. I have never been good with being sick, i was always alone when i was sick as a kid because mum would have to work.

"Good morning Love" I hear Jay say from the hallway. "Morning mum, i think Haz is sick he's got a bad stomach ache and he feels really warm" Louis tells Jay. "Oh no poor boy, let me come have a look." I hear them both make their way down the hallway to Louis room. "Good morning Harry are you feeling poorly?" Jay asks. "I feel nauseous and my stomach feels like someone is repeatedly punching it and i feel very warm but also very very cold." "Oh dear okay love i am going to call the school and let them you know you will be staying home alright. Lou go make some tea for Harry and finishing getting ready for school. I will see about getting my shift switched to stay home with Harry." "Mum let me stay with him please, i wont be much good at school anyway i will be worried about Hazza here at home" Louis protests. "Fine only because it will be hard to get my shift covered last minute but i want him to rest okay? No video games or goofing around you guys can watch movies but i do want him to get as much rest as possible. Now go make Harry some tea. harry love feel better, i will bring you some pain meds." "Thanks mum. Okay Haz, I'll be back stay in bed!" Louis and Jay both leave the room.

After a few minutes Jay comes back in to give me some pain meds then leaves again to get ready for work. I get up out of bed to head to Louis closest to grab one of Louis oversized hoodies and put it on before climbing back into bed breathing in the scent of Louis.

After about ten minutes Louis comes back upstairs with tea. "I love the way you look in my sweater baby." Louis climbs into bed next to me kissing the back of my neck. "i like that it smells like you it makes me feel safe" i whisper. "My smell makes you feel safe?" I feel Louis smiling into my shoulder. "Yes because it reminds me of you and you make me feel safe and like i am home" I blush at my words. "Awe baby you are so sappy when you are sick. but it's okay i like you a lot. If it makes you feel better you make me feel safe too my love" Louis whispers.

"I Lo-.... I really like you." I turn around in Louis arms and cuddle my face into Louis chest. " 'M sleepy Lou" "Sleep baby i will be right here when you wake up" With that i close my eyes drinking in the sweet scent that is Louis falling asleep to the sounds of Louis heart beat.

A few hours later i woke up feeling extremely nauseated "Lou i-i don't feel good." I get up and roll over Louis racing to the bathroom just making it to the toilet before i start throwing up. "Baby you okay?" Louis calls after me. The only response i was  able to give was the sound of me throwing up into the toilet. "Oh baby it's okay you are okay" Louis says as he rubs my back. "Lou make it stop" i whine. "Oh baby i wish I could. Come on lets get you back to bed love, i will get you some anti-nausea medication." "Teeth need to brush my teeth first" i whisper. Louis helps me up off the ground picking me up and sitting me down on the counter taking my tooth brush putting a strip of tooth paste on it. "Open up" he says. I oblige opening my mouth and  Louis brushes my teeth for me giggling when he would get the toothpaste on my cheek. Once my teeth were brushed Louis carries me into bed before leaving to get me some medication.

"Here love i got you the meds and some water" Louis passes them to me. I take them quickly drinking the entire glass of water and laying back down. "Lou can you play with my hair?" I ask. "of course sweetheart." Louis climbs into bed behind me and starts carding his hands through my hair. "Lou sing to me please" "You are a needy one there Curly" Louis laughs. "Please Lou i love you voice" i whine. "Okay Okay love, for you i will sing."

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so, I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
"And the reason is you" Louis whispers into my ear. Before i fall asleep.

For the next three days thats where stayed cuddled up together. Louis nursing me back to health bringing me soup and medication and giving me lots and lots of cuddles. Louis sang me to sleep every night.

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